Diseworth / Twycrosser

A relatively mild Sunday and no rain forecast, so I thought it would be rude, despite being on call, not to do at least 50. As usual I adopted a strategy of going off in some direction or other, coming back near home then heading off in another direction – in order to stay within a reasonable distance of base.

Started off going up toward Belton and east over to Diseworth, then west to Melbourne. On another day I’d have liked to have gone west along the A road next to the river for a mile or ten, but having had a call from work once already today – at 04:00 no less – I was a bit sensitive to the possibility of getting another one.

I’d forgotten how annoying that road through Lount on the way to Melbourne is. It’s like a rollercoaster of hills. From Melbourne I headed to Ticknall where I was disappointed to see one of my favourite pubs boarded up and offered for lease. Up Bastard Hill and down to Ashby, where I was ony 4 miles or so from home – then through Packington to perform a Twycrosser.

I came back via Ibstock and from there, did a few more miles around Ellistown and Donington le Heath. Back a few minutes before sunset.

The roads were a bit damp but it stayed sunny throughout, really quite pleasant. I finished the Reacher audiobook. One disadvantage that the audiobook has over the usual format is that, near the end, you discover the gender of one of the main characters where you wouldn’t in the regular book, which sort of gives the big plot twist away. But I was pretty much expecting it.

I think I’ll take a break from Reacher for the next one.

I used my Casio GPS to record the track and it didn’t give it up without a struggle. It took a firmware upgrade and a phone app upgrade and a lot of patience, but I got the data off the watch in the end.

58.70 done, 399 this month. I should be able to do another 100 in November, looking at the weather forecast.


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