Might well have done a fondo today, but I didn’t go to bed until about 0415 last night (this morning) folowing airport taxi duties, I didn’t get up again until about 1100 and I didn’t much feel like riding a bike. But with rain in the forecast for the next few days, I decided I should make an effort and I set off to do 30-odd at about 1520.
I did a Bypasser, with a couple of deviations from more usual versions. Firstly I did a very minor detour into Warton village, only because I’d caught sight of a rather athletic pedestrian in flared psychedelic gym pants, and I wanted a closer look after she took a right turn. Secondly, I did the right turn toward Nailstone again, same as last time. But this time I went right through Nailstone to Ellistown, so I sort of tacked on the last few miles of the southbound route onto the ride. Made a nice change.

Nice day, easily warm enough for short sleeve top and shorts. Quite a few barely-dressed female joggers were out for a run this afternoon, which is always good for morale. I got caught paying closer attention to one than might be considered necessary while pedalling through Ibstock. She glanced around and noticed that I was having a good look as I went past. She took it well, though. She grinned. I grinned back, quite involuntarily, out of embarrassment. Busted.
In my defence – she was a phenomenal specimen. I’m all for not objectifying women, but in my view they need to meet you half way and not wear tiny jogging shorts that look like they’ve been sprayed on.
Anyway back on 37.97 miles.