Couldn’t leave work early but set off on the X to do a Twycross just before 6pm. The idea was to do 16 or 17, then do a U-turn and come back the same way. I was particularly keen to reassure myself that I hadn’t buggered my knees by doing 63 miles on Sunday.
Cool weather, intermittently sunny. Very dry. A little blowy.
I did feel a bit of strain in the right knee after ten miles or so. Nothing desperate, but I don’t think it has completely recovered from Sunday. I don’t think it’s a setback per se, but will keep the distances down to 30-odd this week. That’s all I’ll have time for anyway, probably.
Got to Twycross and on a whim, took a right turn along Orton Lane to take a detour that I’d pondered a few times while perusing the Strava route planner, but had never tried before. The last part of the detour is part of the longer alternative route to Sheepy that I tried about a week ago. Quite quiet and pleasant, glad to have tried it.
So after turning into Fenn Lanes I decided to stop and come back. I did the required U-turn but within seconds I’d changed my mind, so I performed another one. I’d decided that it would be nice to do the road north of Bosworth at that time of night. It can be really atmospheric in the open in the last hour before sunset, especially when it’s sunny. And it was.
I cut across to Bosworth through Shenton, along Mill Lane. I hadn’t been along there for a long time. There’s a bench there, with a plaque bearing the name ‘Judith Birch’. I rested there for a few minutes.

Back home on 33.71 miles; a modest but sure start to the July campaign.
My spreadsheet has recalculated the monthly targets to take into account the remaining mileage to reach my target of 3000, and it requires a mere 216 miles this month. I’d weighted July a bit low to adjust for holidays.
But I think it would probably be a bit rude not to bump the 2019 target up a bit, perhaps to 3250 miles. I’ll think about that.