Wanted to get the July campaign off to a start, my knees seemed to be recovering nicely after Monday and I had a feeling – irrational, possibly – that the rain threatened for late afternoon wouldn’t happen.
Left work early and took Neil out of the garage, with the thought of doing maybe 20 miles or so. Didn’t want to push my luck with the weather.
Nice and warm out there, not uncomfortably so. Cloudy but dry, and I’m pleased to say that it didn’t rain apart from a very few light spots two miles from home. I did a “Sub-Twycrosser”, involving stopping just short of Twycross to take a left along Bilstone Road, then home via Congerstone, Barton in the Beans, Heather.
I stopped to take this pic along Barton Lane.

I assumed, again perhaps irrationally, that the cows would respectfully withdraw a few feet once I propped the bike up against the gate, but nope – they wanted to investigate. Once I’d put the phone away I had to wipe cow slobber off the left side of the saddle. For some reason I had a couple of squares of paper towel in my jersey pocket. I’m sorry to say that once I’d wiped the saddle down, I just chucked the paper towel in the hedge. I just wasn’t putting it back in the pocket. But at least it’s bio-degradable! I’ll make amends by picking up some litter at the weekend.
Enjoyable run out and my knees definitely felt the strain less than on Monday. 18.55 miles.