A dry day but cool, cloudy and very windy. Since the wind was coming from the NE I thought I’d do the eastbound route (which is actually a bit north-eastish in reality).
I hoped to do a Fondo if poss but thought it quite likely that the wind would prove too much. It certainly was brutal but I struggled on until I’d done 30 miles, by which time I’d had enough and turned round. What a relief. I thought I’d top up the ride distance to the requisite 100km by taking a detour through Diseworth on the way back. I also came back the old way through Wymeswold and Rempstone, which definitely made a nice change.

A game of two halves of course but the second half was very pleasant.
Listened to footy on 5 Live and another couple of hours of the Philip Dick audiobook. Getting the impression that he’s making it up as he goes along rather than working to a plot.
Back on 62.36 miles, which takes me to 357 this month, and past the April target. I’m using a simplified monthly target system this year. Rather than have them dynamically calculated by the spreadsheet based on distance done in previous months, I’m just going for 300 in Jan, Feb, Nov Dec, 350 in Mar, Apr, Sep, Oct and 400 in the four months in the middle.
That was the 8th Fondo this year, on target for 24 in 2022.