A lovely day was forecast, with plenty of sunshine and a light wind from the east. The plan was to do at least a fondo, but possibly 100 if I got up early enough.
I did get up at 0730, and I set off at 0805 on the Cannondale. I’d decided to do the first 50 miles of the Norfolk route, then come back. And that’s pretty much what I did, although I went slightly further than 50 miles.
Just lovely out there. I took a fleece and a pair of tights in my backpack because I assumed it would be cooler later but I didn’t need them. In the end I was a bit annoyed with myself for bringing them. Glad I was able to top up my tan lines a bit.
As usual I stopped for a feast at the village shop at Buckminster, ideally situated 40 miles from home.
Listened to more of my audiobook, The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch. Must admit it did draw me in a little though more because I was interested in the fantasy universe in which the story takes place than the story itself, which still feels a bit directionless. Also listened to footy chat on 5 Live, Gilles Peterson on 6 Music and a bit of the England game on Talk Sport.
Really a glorious run out. I love that part of the world east of Eastwell. Quite pleased as well that I managed to navigate the 50 miles without recourse to Google Maps, although I’ve done the first 31 many times.

Lots of pheasant out at the moment. I saw a very recently expired one on the road at Stonesby, but a public-spirited chap out walking a dog thoughtfully removed it from the road and threw it into the hedge at the side of the road as I was passing. I think it had been hit by a car. Very quick, I’m sure.
That was a breeze. Pick a warm day and eat like a horse. That’s the key to doing long rides without wearing yourself out.
Back half an hour before sunset, on 101.30 miles. 464 this month, pretty good going for a March and 1182 this year.