An intensely hot day. I hadn’t had a chance to go cycling for a few days so I decided to brave the heat after work. Left it until about 5:35pm before setting off. It was still 36 degrees C out there, but at least the UV levels would have diminished somewhat.
I did a short version of the Twycrosser, that takes a left to Bilstone and Congerstone then comes up through Shackerstone.

Obviously I took it easy, but I really wasn’t too uncomfortable. Nonetheless I thought it best to keep it short. Drank plenty of water, even though it was warm after half an hour. Maybe tea’s the thing to take in your bidon in weather like this.
I didn’t see a single other cyclist out there for the first 18 miles, after which I did see a young man in t-shirt and shorts on a hybrid.
22.71 miles, 319 this month, 3045 this year.