Another stinking hot day. I took advantage of the hot weather to wash the X. I gave it a very thorough clean and after I’d hosed out the last of the car shampoo lather, it took about four minutes to dry in the baking sun.
I then gave it a bit of a seeing to with GT85 and some lube in the garage. But I chose the Cannondale for a ride out this afternoon. I wanted to make sure all’s well with its latest inner tube, and the rear tyre only got about 9 miles on the last run out (not counting being wheeled along at walking pace).
I hoped that the sun had lost some of its ferocity by 3pm, when I set off.
I basically did a long version of the time-honoured Twycross Bypasser, except that I cut left to Sheepy after Sibson, so that I could visit San Giovanni for a pit stop involving a beer or two. I also asked for some tap water to refill the bidon. I’d brought my Magnum 1L one, not often that gets used. But I was going through water at an alarming rate.

By the time I left, the shadows were longer and the sun a little less hostile. I came back up through Twycross and Swepstone. Sort of a part-Twycrosser in reverse.
Happily, rear tyre and inner tube behaved themselves this time.
I was overtaken by a beautiful metallic silver E-Type Jag near Packington. And I saw a steam tractor pulling a trailer half a mile from home. Maybe coal power is a bit more economical now that diesel is so expensive.
Back on 40.48 miles, a bit debilitated from the heat and the beer (although I had another one as soon as I got back), but content. That’s 186 this month, the target is 400 but there’s a fair bit of rain in the forecast next week.