A properly warm, sunny day with a light wind coming from the south. I was only going to do about 35-40 today having put a decent shift in on Friday, but by the time I was 20 miles down the southbound route, I’d decided to make another fondo of it.
I didn’t go all the way down to Welford. I turned back after the half-fondo distance, at Welford Road. Bought some snacks and Lucozade at a petrol station on Gilmorton Road and stopped in Gilmorton to consume them. The village shop is closed on Sundays, but the bench on the opposite side of the road is always open.

As I sat there munching on a Ploughman’s sandwich, I heard the growl of a vintage piston engine. Looked up to see a P51-D Mustang circling overhead. Obviously I wondered why so I did the necessary Google research when I got back; there was a “Victory Show” featuring an air display at Cosby, a few miles to the north.
Listened mostly to footy on 5 Live but also to the Stones’ Dirty Work, which against my expectations is actually not bad at all.
I was on call but it’s been so quiet this last few weeks that I didn’t even think about it, let alone stress about it.
Back on 63.67 miles so already, it’s a Double Fondo September! That was this year’s 23rd fondo. I’m hoping to do 5776 miles this year to equal the 2016 distance tally, my second-highest.