Down Fosse Way

With a beautiful day forecast and plenty of rain on the way later in the month, I decided I’d take the afternoon off work and do a longish ride.

I set off at about 1110. My vague plan was to go down to Welford and possibly a bit further south, but by the time I got to Stoney Stanton I decided I’d go down Fosse Way instead. So I did. I kept on keepin’ on right down to Princethorpe, which is further than I usually go down that way. Then I bought a sandwich and a Magnum ice cream at a petrol station there, and turned back.

I intended to come back the same way but I took a wrong turn at High Cross somehow. But I found my way to Broughton Astley, which is on my usual Welford route, and came back (mostly) the usual way from there.

I trialled a detour that goes round the hill at Earl Shilton while avoiding the little cycle path that goes down from Thurlaston Lane. It involves a couple of miles of fast road, but it was quiet.

Listened to LBC, Talk Radio and 5 Live. Plenty of people talking nonsense from both sides of the political divide, bloody irritating. I also listened to Jerry Paper’s Like a Baby.

I had a shocking case of hot foot on the Earl Shilton bypass, in both feet. A couple of miles from Kirkby Mallory, I stopped to sit in the shade of a tree. I took off my shoes and socks and cooled my feet in the grass. I gave them a bit of a massage before putting the shoes and socks back on and they were fine after that.

Back on 76.52 miles and I should have done more really. But I’d cooked myself slightly by overdressing (I’m always too cautious at this time of year). Also, I’m on call for the penultimate time. Furthermore, Fosse Way is a bit hilly and I couldn’t think of anywhere particularly interesting to go after Princethorpe. But at least I’ve topped up my tanlines.

That’s 2039 done this year now. 190 done this month, and hopefully I can get another 250 or so in before July.