
Another warm, sunny day. I left work shamelessly early with the intention of doing about 45 miles. A light wind was blowing from the south again but I’ve done the southbound a few times in the last week or two so I wanted to do something a bit different.

I devised a route that would go south down the “old” southbound route through Desford, but cut across to the “new” southbound route before Enderby. It looked easy enough on the map but (of course) I cocked it up and ended up on Coventry Road, a very busy road that sprouts south-westward out of Leicester. I have been on it before but the Friday afternoon traffic made it a bit hairy. So I took an opportunistic left.

Quite a nice stretch of road after that, nice to do something new. The bit of road I did before arriving on Coventry Road was quite pleasant as well. Always good to do new roads for a change. I stopped for a sandwich and a Bounty bar at a village shop at Huncote. Hadn’t been there before.

Eventually I found myself at a place called Cosby where I took the pic. Saw a sign to Broughton Astley from there. From Broughton I came back pretty much the usual way, except that I attempted to hit the Earl Shilton bypass, took a wrong turn and ended up looping back on myself.

I really must learn to make better use of the eTrex. Too idle to upload the routes, that’s the trouble.

Lovely out there and I dressed appropriately this time, minimal clothing. Listened mostly to 5 Live.

About two years ago I bought a cheap Chinese wireless “bike computer” off Amazon and I got round to fitting it to the Boardman today. The idea, if I remember correctly, was that for short rides I’d be able to use my phone to record the ride directly via the Strava app. I calibrated the computer using notes I’d made last time I fitted a speedo to similar-sized wheels and seem to have got it spot on. 49.32 acording to the Garmin watch, 49.3 according to the speedo (it only does one decimal place).