
Rain was forecast for the afternoon but it was a lovely morning, so – clothed once again in minimal cycling gear – I set off at about 1000, with the intention of doing about 35.

I was going to do about 17 miles of the usual eastbound route then come back the same way, but before I got to the junction at Zouch I took a left through Long Whatton, toward Diseworth. I had the idea of going into Loughborough, which I haven’t done for a long time.

Before long though I realised I was actually going in the opposite direction of Loughborough, but I decided to keep going, just in the spirit of maintaining momentum.

At Diseworth I took a right turn I hadn’t taken before, signposted to the airport. Nice little road, nothing special and less than a mile later I was on the A453, running south of the airport. I’d only done 13 miles by this time so I was struggling to think what to do to make up the miles I wanted. I probably should just have kept on going rather than take the left near Zouch.

I took the road down past Breedon, then went north toward Melbourne, then took the road to Ticknall from there – which I haven’t done for at least a year. I chickened out of Bastard Hill and came home via Hartshorne, Woodville, Ashby.

Really a lovely ride over the first half. I spoiled it over the second half by giving myself too much hill climbing to do.

I listened to The Who’s Who’s Next.

Back on 37.04. I didn’t get rained on and in fact hours after I returned home, still no sign of rain. Just warm sunshine. Annoying, as if I’d know I’d have done a fondo. But at the moment next weekend looks clear.
