
An indifferent morning gave way to a rather nice afternoon, apart from a stiff wind from the west. I left work early – how many more times will I be able to say that? And set off on a Bypasser.

The wind was a bit of a brute as a headwind, but a bit of a joy in tailwind mode. I freewheeled quite a long way along Warton Lane, letting it push me along where usually I’d have to pedal.

I came through Upton and Shenton on the way back up. Lovely along there, so quiet and scenic. Should do it more often.

Listened to 5 Live, which feels a bit like a continuous Labour Party political broadcast at the moment. Then more of Pete Townshend’s autobiography which has been a brilliant listen.

Because I have a magnet-based bike computer on the first Boardman I used a GPS logger app on a phone to track the ride. I was surprised to take it out of my pocket and find that it had logged 40 miles, when the bike computer (which I’ve calibrated fairly accurately) claimed 38.5. And when I uploaded it to Strava, I got 43.67! On closer analysis it turned out that the GPS logger app had gone a bit wappy, tracking a strangely zig-zag, wayward line. So I plotted the same route on a route planner. I got 38.8, and that’s what I’ve put on the official (spreadsheet) record. Perhaps I’ll do the same route again soon with a Garmin watch and see what I get.