
Rain this morning, but nice and dry by the early afternoon. Decently warm, but annoyingly windy. I hoped to do about 45.

I intended to take the Planet X but weirdly, I couldn’t get the stirrup pump nozzle to fit the valve on the front tyre when I went to pump it up. I mean – it seemed to fit over and clamp down correctly, but I couldn’t pump air into it. Maybe there’s some sort of obstruction in the end of the valve, although I don’t really see how there could be since I keep a cap over the end. Oh well, I’ll have a closer look tomorrow, maybe.

So I took Boardman II instead.

I didn’t have a definite plan. I set off as if to do a Twycrosser but after seven miles, took a right along Atherstone Road to Measham. I’d formed a vague intention to head along the Lower Westbound route by this time. However, having approached Measham in an unfamiliar manner, I missed my usual turn. So I kept on, to No Man’s Heath. From there I continued to Clifton Campville then followed a sign to Lullington, which is on the Lower Westbound route. Shame really because looking at the map now, if I’d kept going I would have gone through Haunton and Harlaston which I used to do occasionally years ago. Perhaps I’ll revisit them soon.

I’d forgotten to bring a water bottle with me so I stopped at a services next to the M42 to buy a little bottle of raspberry juice drink and a sandwich. And an almond croissant.

I continued on as far as Alrewas (pronounced “or ‘e was”). By this time the oncoming wind was really annoying me – as much because it was interfering with my audiobook listening as because it was making propelling the bike harder work. I decided I’d had enough and turned back.

But I went right into Alrewas on the way back. Nice little village. I’d passed it many times, but had never been into the village proper. I stopped and ate at a bench, while listening to my DAB personal. As I did so, I felt a sudden sharp tap on the back of my head. Nearly jumped five feet in the air! I turned to see a young man, aged about twelve. Initially, I assumed I was confronting a fledgling hooligan, taking an opportunity to harrass an older gentleman for a laugh. Then I realised he was holding one of my cycling mitts in an outstretched hand. It had fallen from the bench, presumably. At that moment I noticed that he was accompanied by a yummy mummy. So I thanked him.

To be honest I would have found it without any trouble before I set off again but hey.

Just to add another wrinkle to what had been an unusual ride, I turned right at Acresford on the way home to come back through Appleby Magna, Snarestone and Swepstone.

Quite a nice ride out, lovely warm sunshine later on. But that headwind over the first half was really annoying.

Listened to more of the Pete Townshend audiobook, or tried to – I missed every third word or so due to wind noise. I’ll have to redo a few chapters I think. Also listened to phone-ins about the election, which I’m finding highly aggravating at the moment.

Back on 44.96 miles and that’s 152 this month, just about satisfactory for eight days in.