San Giovanni

The weather was actually a bit too hot for cycling today, but I applied my most minimal cycling clothing and a bit of suntan lotion. A rare chance to wear my lightweight camo-pattern cycling top, constructed of material so diaphonous that it barely exists. I reckon a light-fingered midgie could probably fly off with it.

Didn’t want to go far. Not much spare time today unfortunately, so I thought a Twycrosser or Bypasser was probably the best idea. Set off at about 1510.

Fortunately I do seem to have my mojo back now, following a few days’ recovery from my 200 miler on Thursday. I seemed to have plenty of energy. Unusually, I went right up into Ashby and along Market Street before descending through Packington. Down through Norton and Orton as usual.

After Sibson though I cut in westward to Sheepy Magna, so I could treat myself to a pitstop at San Giovanni. Had an Old Fashioned and asked for a tap water to top up my bidon. It came with a chunk of lemon and ice. Dumped it into the bidon with the ice from the cocktail so I had a cool, faintly lemon-flavoured water supply for the remaining ten miles (up through Twycross and Swepstone).

Quite a nice run out if a bit too warm, 37.03 miles, 553 this month and perhaps I can get that up to 600.