
Not a bad day, warm enough and dry. On another Sunday I might have done a fondo, but I seem to have a lot more time on my hands now and I’ve done three already this month. With a light wind coming from the west, a Bypasser seemed a good idea.

I did a longish version, right down to Fenn Lanes. Fortunately Mythe Lane wasn’t flooded this time. I took the left from Fenn Lanes along Mill Lane to Shenton, which I haven’t done for a while. Nice to see that Mill Lane has been resurfaced, though I don’t remember it being particularly bad before.

Listened to the Reacher audiobook all the way round. Not one of the best, but good stuff. I could have done without the ten minute sex scene though. I completely forgot that the men’s final was on at Wimbledon or I’d have listened to that, but fortunately I got back in time to see the last few games on the telly.

Back on 40.30 miles.