Down Fosse Way

A warm, almost hot day, mostly sunny with intermittent cloud and the wind coming from the south. I set off not long after 0900 with the intention of going down the Southbound Route. I didn’t think I’d go right down to Northampton, but I thought I’d go down to Welford, or the gliding club at Sibbertoft.

Warm enough for minimal clothing from the outfit. I wore a short-sleeved cycling top received as a birthday present from Stepdaughter II and her boyfriend, and it fits nicely. Nice secure pockets as well.

I got as far as Broughton Astley, only to find that the road south of there had been resurfaced by having sharp, dusty gravel thrown onto it. I just wasn’t going to propel my S Works over that, so I turned back. I went back as far as Stoney Stanton, and from there went down Fosse Way. My alternative southbound route. A thoroughly serviceable Plan B.

I got as far as Bretford, then just to do something a bit different I took a road signposted to Coventry. Wasn’t going to go much further anyway. But it wasn’t a very interesting road. It took me to a village called Brandon, which also wasn’t very interesting. And I turned for home. I had a sandwich and a Magnum ice cream at the village shop at Brinklow. It has a little bench outside, although I invariably have to make room by shifting a box of old paperbacks and some pot plants. Come to think of it, perhaps I’m not supposed to sit on it.

Took a pic at the High Cross monument as usual. As I’m sure I’ve mentioned a few times, it marks the centre of Roman Britain and the intersection of the two great Roman roads.

I came back the old-fashioned way through Earl Shilton. I didn’t take the bypass that would have avoided the hill, because I forgot to take a left turn instead of straight on at the crossroads at Stoney.

I listened to more of the Reacher novel, GB News, LBC and the 2019 Who album Who. 5 Live is a no go area for me when the Open Championship is on. I can’t imagine why people follow a golf competition on the radio.

Back on 74.00 miles. That was my fourth fondo this month, nice to have a bit more time for them.