
Didn’t want to knock myself out today as I may well do a long one on Tuesday, but since ‘er indoors turned down my offer to take her out this afternoon, I decided a Twycrosser was in order. So I did that, except that I took an excursion west to Polesworth at the bottom end.

Didn’t really know what I was doing in Polesworth. Only been through there a couple of times and it’s not very interesting. Not very flat either.

Anyway I had to consult Google Maps to escape, and I ended up coming along the A5 for a bit.

I was overtaken by a sports car along Grendon Rd a bit more closely than I’d have liked. He cut in very sharp to avoid a car coming the other way. I gave a theatrical shake of the head which clearly didn’t go unnoticed, as the driver extended his arm out of the driver’s side window to offer the universal sign language for “wanker”.

I also had an excursion along a right turn off Sibson Road called Ratcliffe House Lane. I’d passed it many times and thought “I wonder where that goes?”.

Nowhere, is the answer. It’s pleasant enough but leads to a cattle grid, then sort of peters out.

I adjusted the saddle height on the Cannondale yesterday and it’s spot on now. Applied some grippy paste to the seat post and have fastened a small plastic tie round it, 5mm above the clamp, to check for slippage. None so far. Very happy to have the Cannondale option again.

Listened to Olympics coverage on 5 Live and Caress of Steel by Rush.

38.38 miles and that’s 592 this month. I think I can get that up to 700.
