Bypasser With Excursion

Another very warm day and I didn’t fancy doing more than 40 or so. I thought I’d have a go at doing a bit of my “Dad’s Army” route again. I’ve devised a variation of it that leaves the A5 at an earlier roundabout, avoiding the monster roundabout that connects to the M42.

So I did that. Much better. Not sure why I never tried this particular route in the first place. Perhaps because it looked bit climby on a route planner?  And it is, but at least it’s quiet, with nice smooth tarmac along the whole alternative stretch.

Anyway I went down past the oil terminal then turned back after about 24 miles. Came back up through Ratcliffe, Shenton, Bosworth, Odstone etc, making the whole ride a sort of Twycross Bypasser with an excursion at the south-west end.

Noticed that the pub at Ratcliffe (The Gate) has four Union flags flying.

Once again I picked up a few spots of improbable rain, despite the heat and bright sunshine, on the way back up.

Back on 48.46 miles. Enjoyable run out.