
The plan for yesterday was to do Wales and back, if I got up early enough. But I got up at about 0630, a bit later than intended, so I decided to do the same route – but only as far as Cheshire. I set off at about 0720.

Cool in the morning, but I was comfortable enough in a long-sleeved top and tights.

I took a wrong turn after 47 miles. I’d uploaded the route to my eTrex but hadn’t bothered to switch it on at that point; I was pretty confident I was on the right track. Until I wasn’t. Rather than backtracking, I decided to keep going and join the usual route a few miles further along via a detour. This took me along some quiet little lanes through pretty, secluded villages called St James Green, Standon and Maer. Nice little diversion.

I entered Shropshire at about 1215 and arrived at the Cheshire border about 15 minutes later. I decided to keep going for a bit. Then 20 minutes later I decided I’d keep going right to the Welsh border. So I did. I arrived there at about 1350.

I went into Wales along Wrexham Road for a minute, then I turned for home. On the way back I decided to go through Whitchurch rather than using the bypass, and this was a much better solution. The bypass is a pretty horrible stretch of busy A road, although it was reasonably quiet yesterday (this being a Sunday). But the route through the town was quiet and quick enough.

Had a bit of a headwind on the way back and made good time. Called in at a petrol station on the outskirts of Stone to get supplies. Despite this, a few minutes later I went into Stone town centre for a coffee and a bakewell tart at Costa Coffee. Good times.

I noticed that my left cleat was loose, somewhere near Alrewas. For some reason my Shimano shoes have started to lose the ability to hold onto their cleats, or perhaps I’ve overgreased the bolts. Or something. But I had the requisite Allen key with me, so the cleat’s feeble attempt at rebellion was swiftly quashed. All good.

Made it back just before 2030, about 25 minutes before sunset. 142.65 miles. Interestingly, I registered the same moving time, to within a couple of minutes, that I did when I did (mostly) the same route in 2017.

That really was a breeze. I checked my watch at 1525 and couldn’t understand where all the time had gone. The quieter Sunday traffic and cooler, cloudy weather made all the difference. To be fair I was a little too warm in the afternoon even after I’d removed the tights, but I didn’t want to have to stuff too many extra layers into a backpack or faff around with hiding clothing in a hedge. The sun did come out after 1800 but by that time it was weak enough not to bother me.

I reverted to my original Wales route from 2017 for this ride (apart from minor modifications in Leicestershire). Last time I did Wales and back, I went westward through Eccleshall and Market Drayton after Stone. The route further to the north that I did yesterday (and originally) is much nicer.

Listened mostly to Olympics coverage. A bit of an Alan Partridge audiobook. And the Joe Henderson album Inner Urge.