
Rain this morning and I had a commitment at lunchtime. But the roads had dried up nicely by 1410, when I set off. I took Boardman II because I decided to decommission the chain just after lubing it yesterday, and I want to get some distance out of the lube first. Hadn’t used it for over two months, surprisingly. Too many bikes!

There was a light wind coming from the west but I decided to go east anyway, since I hadn’t been over that way for a while. I assumed the headwind wouldn’t be too annoying on the way back at less than 5mph (according to the forecast). And it wasn’t.

I did think I might do a fondo – but to give myself a bit more time for other activities this evening, I decided not to. Shouldn’t be hard to find a decent weather day when I can set off in the morning.

So I turned north then west for Wymeswold, then Rempstone from Narrow Lane. After that I thought I’d try a detour through East Leake to Sutton Bonington, but I took the wrong turn and ended up in Costock. From there, Google Maps told me my best bet was to go south to Rempstone so I ended up having done a sort of seven mile loop.

The weather seemed unseasonally cool when I set off so I wore two long-sleeved tops and tights, but (of course) I ended up too warm and removed the tights after 17 miles.

Home on 47.78 miles – 279 this month and 4007 this year. Earliest I’ve ever got to 4000 miles in any year.

I listened to LBC and Pink Floyd’s soundtrack album for the 1969 film More.