
Windy again. Otherwise a nice day though. Warm enough and sunny. I decided to keep it short after encountering a headwind full-on on the way down to Twycross. After I got there I did a detour to Orton, mainly because the main road through the village had had a load of dusty gravel dumped on it by Leicestershire County Council.

Straight across to Sibson after Sheepy. And I started to go up the main road toward home from there, but reasoning that I’d only have to put up with the headwind for another few miles, changed my mind and headed down to the bottom of Fenn Lanes. Huge relief to turn north-east there, out of an oncoming wind. Back through Shenton, Bosworth, Odstone, Burgoland.

One day I must try to work out how many possible variations of the Twycrosser there are.

A bit perfunctory really, I just wanted to get the monthly distance figure up a bit. But I quite enjoyed the second half.

Listened to 5 Live. 37.27 miles.