
A dry day with light winds from the east was promised, so I planned to do the eastbound route. At least 80 miles. I woke up at about 0630 and asked my bedside Dot what the temperature was outside. Four degrees C. So I went back to sleep. I woke up again later than I hoped and didn’t set off until 1015.

I’d expected to be a bit cold even at that time, but as it turned out I overdressed. Ended up taking a couple of layers off only about an hour into the ride, and carrying them round all day in my backpack. I really must try to be more scientific in my choice of cycling apparel.

Because I assumed that the roads near Stanford might be flooded, I took the “old” route through Rempstone and Wymeswold. Picked up some spotty rain approaching Waltham – annoying, because the forecast had estimated the chance of rain at 0% all day. But I must admit I hadn’t checked the forecast for 30 miles to the east. In any case the large, dark cloud squatting over East Leicestershire like an irregular-shaped mothership was surrounded by much brighter skies all the way to the horizon in every direction, and it floated off to annoy someone else after twenty minutes.

I went as far as Colsterworth, just short of the A1. I came back the same way, except that I took Narrow Lane to Wymeswold (I nearly always do that on the way back now) and I came down through Griffydam and Coleorton rather than Thringstone and Coalville.

Saw ‘er indoors coming the other way in her white Polo near Belton! On the way to her dance class. So I gave her a friendly wave.

I listened mainly to my audiobook, which sounds much better now that I’ve AI-speech-enhanced it (it was originally a cassette recording that someone had noise-reduced a bit aggressively). Also 5 Live, and the Level 42 album Guaranteed which is poor overall it must be said, though it does have some lovely moments. And Allan Holdsworth plays on it.

Back about ten minutes before sunset. Nice day out on a bike, glad to have opened the October account with 86.11 miles. More on Saturday I hope.

As of this morning I was slightly less than 2 miles ahead of my October 3rd distance total for 2023. Pretty consistent. Anyway, 88 miles in front now (though I have no particular wish to outdo 2023).