
Gloomy and a bit damp this morning and there was still a bit of drizzle in the air when I set off at about 1100. But the BBC promised it would clear up, so I did a fairly standard version of the eastbound fondo over to Eastwell and back. Out through Thringstone, Belton, Stanford and Burton on the Wolds, back through Rempstone, Wymeswold, Long Whatton, Coleorton.

I have a bit of a cold at the moment so I thought I might cut it short, but I was fine. The ride did take longer than I would normally expect, but I think that was mostly due to queuing in traffic at roadworks near Zouch. Nice run out. Nice to get out of the house anyway.

I listened to Bowie’s The Man Who Sold The World album and 5 Live.

Back on 65.76 about 15 minutes before sunset.. it’s that time of year when you start thinking about taking lights even if you set off in the morning.
