I’ve now completed ten years of regular cycling – and I’ve been looking over my statistics. Every ride I’ve done since January 2015 has been documented in a spreadsheet – date, distance, which bike.
I’ve done 80,082 km in that time (49,761 miles), over 1530 rides. Very roughly, 7% of the time I’ve been awake in the last ten years has been spent propelling a bicycle.
Greatest distance cycled in a month: 1302km, August 2016. Shortest monthly distance: 29km, December 2018. I’d injured my knees.
Longest ride: 324 km, June 20th this year. Shortest: 8.24 km, July 15th, 2018.
The following graph shows number of rides per year – I had a bit of a manic cycling habit by 2016. I was going cycling most lunchtimes weather permitting and most of those 303 rides are less than 30km.
Since my knee injury in 2018, my average ride distance has increased steadily (next graph). For sure, early retirement at the end of June this year has helped to improve the 2024 statistic (85.65 km).
The last graph shows the total distance in km for each of the last ten years. 2024 was a personal record year (10,621 km or 6600 miles).