According to the BBC site it was going to be 1C all day, and overcast. I thought I might tolerate about 40 km or so. Set off to do a bit of the eastbound route at about 1130.
Definitely was cold out there but not quite as bad as I expected. The wind was light and that makes a positive difference.
At Rempstone, after 25km I took a left for Costock. Just thought I’d improvise a different route home. Turned left again for East Leake, then dipped down to Stanford, which is on a familiar version of the eastbound route. Came back the longer way after Zouch, through Long Whatton and Diseworth – partly to extend my distance a bit, partly because I’ve done the route back through Belton so many times that it feels a bit of a slog.
Back on 59.43 km and I’m quite satisfied with that. Given the conditions – my fingers and toes were icy over the last 15 km – I think I’ve gone above and beyond there.
Listened to footy talk on 5 Live.