Nice day today, mild, dry and intermittently sunny. But I didn’t want to go far, because I want to do a fondo tomorrow. I thought 35-40 km would do nicely. Just a quick run out.
I decided to do part of a Twycrosser then turn and come home the same way (instead of the usual circular route). Down as far as Twycross, then back up. I did come a different way out of Packington though. Then I took a left for a quick visit to Ashby. Then home.
I listened to 5 Live mostly. Bob Harris was a guest on Matt Chorley’s politics programme.
Quite a pleasant 40.31km. Only 25 miles in old money but that’s fine.
When I got back to the garage I decided to have a go, on the spur of the moment, at realigning the bent hanger on the Planet X, which has been languishing on the stand in there for a week or two. It was pretty easy, the alignment tool worked very well. Just takes a bit of patience and force. I put the rear mech back on and it seems to be changing through the gears nicely on the stand, so we’ll see how it does on the road.