
Nice weather yesterday but I decided I’d give myself another day off after doing a rather long one on Thursday. Fortunately the weather was rather nice as well today, and I thought I’d do about 40 or so. With a slight wind coming from the west, a Twycross Bypasser seemed a good idea.

However – after four or five miles it became clear that I didn’t have my usual mojo. Just felt a bit low on energy. Might be because I’ve had a couple of late nights in the last few days as much as anything else, but I decided to keep it fairly short and do an old-fashioned Twycrosser, rather than a Bypasser.

Down to Ratcliffe Culey, through Sibson, back up through Bosworth, Odstone, Swepstone et al.

Since I’d forgotten to bring any food, I called in at the shop at Bosworth and bought a sausage roll. Passed it hundreds of times probably, but I’d never been in. I was surprised to see that the till was self-service. Sign of the times when even a village shop has an automated checkout.

I stopped at the bus shelter at Carlton (pictured) to eat the sausage roll, to sustain me over the last eight miles. There was an Labour Party election leaflet pinned to the wall, for the Hinckley and Bosworth constituency. But it wasn’t there for long.

Back on 31.92 miles and that’s 516 this month now, and 3015 this year.