Dad’s Army

Today’s forecast improved over the weekend, to the point where it was unlikely to rain. Nonetheless I only intended to do 40 or so, perhaps a Twycross Bypasser. However when I examined my spreadsheet this morning I noticed that a bit more than 50 miles would take me over 5000 miles for 2024, so I decided I might as well do another fondo.

The wind was coming from the south-west. I came up with the idea of doing a Bypasser, with the Dad’s Army route tacked on at the bottom. I’ve developed a modification that leaves the (rather busy) A5 earlier, and (more importantly) avoids the roundabout that joins it to the M42.

So I did that. I didn’t use the eTrex or a GPX app. I just had a careful look on the map beforehand and reminded myself of the turns, and I managed OK. I went down as far as Coleshill, then turned back. To bump up the distance I took a right turn to go exploring through a village called Nether Whitacre on the way back.

I also missed a turn, but this was fortuitous, because it meant that I went past a garden centre with a little butcher’s stall outside, based in a sort of open-sided hut. It’s not the best cyclist’s pit stop really because they don’t sell drinks, or chocolate, or flapjacks. Just raw meat, uncooked sausages, pork pies and (occasionally) samosas. The only immediately-edible food on offer today were pork pies. so I bought two, a stilton one (lovely) and a red onion one. Very handy, I definitely needed to refuel.

Listened to more Chickenhawk (nearly finished now) and 5 Live. I think I listened to music as well, but I’ve already forgotten what it was.

Back on 63.90 miles, which pleasingly takes me to 234 this month, 5013 this year.

It was a mild day, warm enough for bare legs. Very nice to go down that way again, I must look for options to expand that route on the other side of the A5.