
As of this morning, 16 of my most recent 20 rides had been fondos. However, I wasn’t tempted to do one today. For one thing, the weather was a little bit cold and gloomy. Dry enough, and unusually low winds, but not really long bike ride conditions. And for another, because it’s US election day, I’ll inevitably be staying up until at least 0300. And I didn’t want to tire myself out.

I thought I’d do something a bit different. I went up to Melbourne then across to Ticknall. Then down to Ashby via Bastard Hill, which I hadn’t done for months. Pleased to report that it wasn’t that bad an ordeal.

Not the best day for a ride up the hill between Melbourne and Ticknall. On a clear day there’s a fantastic view from the top into Derbyshire, but not today. I did find a portable toilet up there. It wasn’t locked. But I used the hedge.

Because I’d only done about 30km by the time I got to Ashby, I tacked a sort of sub-Twycrosser onto the ride. Down through Packington toward Twycross, but only as far as Snarestone. Usual way home from there through Swepstone and Heather. I did take a slight detour through Ibstock.

Back on 50.38km which does seem a bit rubbish. But it looks like there’s enough dry weather in the rest of the month to get the December kilometre count up to 650 easily, and that’ll do.

Listened to US election fever on various 5 Live programmes.
