King’s Bromley

The weather forecast threatened showers, but since cycling opportunities have been a bit thin on the ground of late, I thought I’d tolerate them. The rain was supposed to dry up in the afternoon and since the sun was due to set at a reasonable 1734 today, I set off at 1050.

I did think I might do a fondo. I decided on the Lower Westbound route. But the first shower, 30 minutes after I set off, consisted of about 20 minutes of very heavy rain. I got absolutely soaked through. I pressed on. At least I had contact lenses in. Makes a big difference in the rain.

After about 15km I realised I hadn’t brought a phone with me.

I got as far as King’s Bromley, then took a left as usual. But I ignored the usual right turn toward Abbot’s Bromley or Rugeley as I’d decided I was going to turn back soon. I’d been rained on again, pretty heavily, by this time. Stopped for a snack at the end of a little one-track lane called Wood End Lane after about 39 km. I wrung about 40 ml of rainwater out of my gloves. Then I did turn back. I did have a bit of an excursion down the road toward Tamworth on the way home. And I went up to Ashby over the last few miles.

Despite the rain I did quite enjoy that one. Lovely sunshine when it wasn’t raining. The roads were wet though and the bike got absolutely filthy, I had to give it a proper wash with a hosepipe and bike cleaner when I got back, on 84.91 km.