Foston after Dark

I was able to leave work yesterday an hour earlier than on Tuesday, so I thought a 50-miler was in order. Set off at 16:05. Decided to go out through Coalville, Belton, Isley Walton then up over Swarkestone Bridge and west along the long road by the river, south of Derby. Got as far as Foston on 27 miles, which I judged would probably allow me to come back the quicker way after Melbourne and still clock up 50 miles, so I did a U turn at the roundabout and came back.

Properly dark by the time I came back through Hilton.

I have mental milestones on most of my routes – 15 miles to home from here; 10 miles from there – but I don’t along the Melbourne / Coleorton route until I hit a pub 2.2 miles from home. As I passed it I realised that I was on course to be home on 49.96 miles, so I only had a mere minimum of faffing around to do to get it up to 50. I went up Heather Lane for a bit.

Home on 50.20 miles.

I took the Boardman, mostly because I’d hosed the Tricross out with GT-85 after it got wet last time and hadn’t relubed it yet. Having taken the Tricross on the previous four rides I can say that the red one is definitely less sluggish. There’s something comforting about the Tricross when you’re out in the cold and dark; maybe because it feels more robust, perhaps just because it’s a slightly more comfortable riding position. Perhaps because the bigger tyres spare you from the worst excesses of the road noise.

But the Boardman has a slightly keener appetite for hills and that’s definitely a plus on the way back from Melbourne.

A little bit of light rain over the first hour; I was sort of expecting that from the scene I photographed near Belton (the clue being in the first four characters). But conditions dried up nicely after that.

I got three more hours out of my lithium rechargeable AAs in my DAB, thirteen hours in total. Exceptional.

233 this month.

Dark and Wet

Left work at about 5pm yesterday, determined to do at least 40. I took the Tricross; its fourth consecutive outing.

A bit cold, but not windy. I wrapped up warm. Decided to go east for 20 miles or so, then come back. An eminently simple plan. I went out through Coalville, Belton, Stanford, Buron on the Wolds as far as Six Hills Lane where after 23 miles, I turned back. But I came back the old way through Wymeswold and Rempstone, then closer to home through Peggs Green and Coleorton.

I pursued a belt & braces strategy of powerful lights on the bike in addition to the back / chest lighting harness. Both worked well. I put the bike front light (actually a powerful LED torch) on flashing mode initially, only to realise after 30 seconds or so that it was trying to communicate with other road users via the medium of Morse code. Apparently the flashing mode is actually SOS mode.

The only bummer with the chest / back lights is that you can’t actually tell if the back light is working. There’s no reason to assume it isn’t if the front one is on, but all the same you never know for sure.

I missed a trick, actually. I used my Garmin Forerunner to track the ride. If I’d used the Instinct I could have checked the time and distance done without having the chest light on; it has a neat feature that lights up the display when you tilt your wrist in the hours of darkness.

Unfortunately an unexpected light rain started to descend with about 12 miles to go. One reason I like cycling in the dark, miles from home is that it flirts with the boundaries of my comfort zone, but being rained on at the same time is definitely an excursion outside it. Another enjoyable run out spoiled by weather.

Still – 46.00 miles, a decent boost to the October distance count. Just noticed that, despite being mostly a different route, the homeward distance was exactly the same as the outbound distance.

Road Salad

On the third dry day of October I wanted to do 48 or more, to see me past the 5000 mile mark this year. I set off on the Tricross at about 11AM. The roads were a bit wet here and there but mostly, just avoidable puddles.

I’m on call again for my sins, and a little more sensitive about it than usual because I was asked to intervene in an emergency yesterday. Fortunately it was raining and I was at home; I could easily have been 15 miles away on a bike.

So last night I devised a sort of disfigured starfish-shaped route with my house at the centre, intended not to take me too far from home. However this morning I decided it would be easier and more interesting just to wing it. So I did. I didn’t go anywhere particularly interesting. I performed a sort of compilation album of semi-coherently joined up bits of familiar routes. I won’t bother describing it; in the unlikely event that you’re interested you can always have a look on Strava. I went as far as Pasture Wood to the north, and Twycross to the south, looping back over myself a couple of times. A sort of road salad of meandering ranndomness.

Home on 51.13 miles, which takes me to 136 this month, 5004 this year. I suppose I should have done a bit more really; I had another couple of hours before sunset. But it’s hard to motivate yourself to do long distances when you’re faffing around close to home. A Fondo next weekend though, hopefully.

I saw a couple of photographers on camping chairs by the side of the road at the top of Top Brand, and as I came down there I saw a number of other cyclists, some wearing numbers on their backs. Some of them on slightly antiquated steel bikes. One chap was actually riding along in a dinner suit with a bow tie. When I got to Griffydam I saw a sign describing a charity bike ride for a cancer charity.

I had to contend with a long traffic jam at Heather – about a mile of cars waiting to get into Cattows Farm, where apparently a pumpkin picking day was in full swing. I steeled myself, clenched my teeth, and pedalled past it on the wrong side of the road.

Conditions seemed to cool quite suddenly at about 2:30pm. I thought I might have to contend with some rain. But it didn’t rain, and in fact the temperature seemed to rise again half an hour later, and the sun came back out briefly.

I listened to an interview with Nancy Sinatra on 6 Music, apparently recorded in 2015 but never broadcast before. Really interesting to hear her account of working with Lee Hazlewood, and her dad’s band. It turns out that Sugar Town is about LSD. After that, Guy Garvey had an interview with Steve Hackett. Then I switched to 5 Live to the footy (Rep Ireland vs Wales), but that was dismal.

I’m trying out some new, rechargeable lithium AA batteries in my DAB personal. Still on the full four bars after nearly five hours, so that bodes well.


Took the afternoon off to make the most of a dry day; only the second this month so far. Pretty good weather for cycling – sunny and mild – but a moderate wind coming from the west.

I wanted to do the October Fondo, The plan was to go up to Melbourne, then head west along the river south of Derby and come back the same way after about 31 miles.

I do have a route that goes west as far as Stafford and then Wales. I wouldn’t have gone as far as either but I missed a turn at Foston, and found myself at something of a dead end (the A50, I’m definitely not doing that on a bike) after only 28 miles. I parked myself on a nearby bench and withdrew the phone, to check Google Maps. Alas, I couldn’t get a mobile broadband signal and I haven’t kept my offline maps up to date, so I couldn’t.

I decided instead to go exploring for a bit to bump up the distance and I took a nearby, hitherto unknown road called Woodyard Lane.

This was an inspired choice; it went on for miles and took me through some very pleasant, quiet scenery. The effort:distance ratio went up a bit as it was a bit rough and hilly in places, but it was a pleasure to explore it. And at least I was on an appropriate vehicle for the stony / gnarly stretches, the Tricross being notionally a “gravel bike”.

I just kept following the road through farms and villages for about 5 miles, until I found myself at the top of a descent I didn’t fancy coming back up. I had no real idea where I was except that I’d passed through a village called Alkmonton. It turns out that I would have arrived in Ashbourne in another 6 miles or so.

I took this pic in Alkmonton; a curious Christmas Tree structure on top of a small commercial building there.

Once I got back to the main route, I went back the same way over Swarkestone Bridge to Melbourne but took a more direct route home from there. I was on call after 5:30pm.

Back not long after sunset, on 63.25 miles.

Very nice run out! I’ll definitely do that road all the way to Ashbourne some time if it’s not overly brutal.


I didn’t think I’d have an opportunity for cycling for a while. But I looked out of a window this afternoon at about 15:40 and not only did the roads look adequately dry for a spin, but the Sun had come out!

I hurriedly attired myself in seasonally appropriate cycling gear, and was propelling the Tricross about 15 minutes later.

The roads were even drier than I expected, no trouble at all; just a few eminently avoidable puddles. I reckoned I had time for about 20 miles. Ideally I’d like to have taken lights and come back at about 21:30, but dinner was due at 18:00 and it was an argument I just didn’t want to have. Shame I didn’t set off an hour earlier, but I wasn’t expecting to get any cycling done today so I was happy enough with my 21.93 miles.

Really nice to be out there again after five days off the bike. I went up to Long Whatton, hooked back to Diseworth and came back down Top Brand, where I took this pic. That’s not lens distortion by the way, the sign really is a bit wonky.

Listened to the footy on 5 Live. United were a goal up against Spurs at Old Trafford within a minute, but six minutes later the North London club were in front! And they went on to win 6-1, at least partly because Erik Lamela managed to get Anthony Martial sent off by reacting as though he’d been sledgehammered after an innocuous confrontation with the Frenchman. But we need not explore that here.

Swannington – Where Is Thy Sting?

I wanted, ideally, to do another 70 miles in September – which in practice meant today and tomorrow, because the weather looks rubbish on Wednesday.

I decided to do 40 or 50 after work today, then the rest tomorrow. Really nice weather for cycling this afternoon – sunny, low winds and almost warm. I set off at about 16:35, having reluctantly relubed the Boardman at lunchtime. I say reluctantly because I promised myself I’d clean and degrease it properly before lubing it again, and I didn’t. I gave it a cursory wipe and hosed out the chain with GT-85.

Decided to go up along Top Brand to Isley Walton then left to Melbourne, up over Swarkestone Bridge and west along the A road between Derby and the river. I got as far as Hilton then came back the same way. Starting to get quite dim by the time I passed Willington again, and I put a rear light and a front blinker on.

By the time I was going over the Bridge again it was properly dark, and I’d switched on the new equipment I’d brought with me – a chest (and back) lamp. This is a sort of chest strap with a powerful LED light on the front, and a battery pack with a triangular rear light on the rear of a strap that goes over the shoulder. I was really pleased with this – it’s quite comfortable, lightweight and unobtrusive, and the front light is a lot more powerful than I expected – easily good enough to illuminate the road in front quite a long way for cycling. Very handy for putting a bike away in a dark garage, as well. I actually bought it last year but never got round to trying it. Should have taken it on the 200 miler.

It’s quite odd to see a two metre shadow of your handlebars on the road in front, though.

Quite cool after dark. I stopped along Top Brand at a convenient spot for a wee, and it was so atmospheric out there in the inky blackness, next to the woods.

At the roundabout at Peggs Green, about three miles from home, I decided to come back through Swannington rather than Coleorteon. This is a shorter way, but involves a log slog of a climb. I haven’t done it for about three years and I felt sure I’d regret it, but it wasn’t that bad at all.

I listened to the footy on 5 Live. Disappointed that Fulham were tonked. I like Scott Parker but I think they’ll go straight back down again.

My right knee hurts slightly (nothing worrying) so I will give it a day off tomorrow and unless Thursday’s forecast improves, that’s a wrap for September. Today’s 45.94 takes me to 576 done this month. Coming home through Swannington did rob the September total of about 0.7 miles, but it allowed me to close the microwave door on a Tesco ready meal a few minutes sooner.


I may well go out tomorrow when conditions will be slightly warmer, so I only wanted to do 25 or so today. Set off with no particular plan. Started off by going through Coalville up to Belton, then across to the top of Top Brand. I reached the bottom after only 13 miles or so, so I took a right along the B5324 over to Church Town and Farm Town, something I haven’t done for quite a long time. From there I came down through Coleorton.

By the time I’d reached Ashby Road I’d still only done 14.6 miles, and was about a mile from home. On a bike ride, my house is a bit like a magnet in that its attraction is inversely proportional to the distance squared. I was quite tempted to go home there and then. But I resisted its lure and headed over to Packington. Still no clear plan for what I’d do, but I went down to Snarestone, then back home through Swepstone and Heather.

I wrapped up really warm with a thick fleece under my jersey and two layers on my legs, with a woolly hat. I was slightly too warm, but better that than too cold. The wind wasn’t too annoying except along Alton Hill. Beautifully sunny early on, but gloomy for the last half hour.

Back on 27.33 miles, and that’s 530 this month. Looking at the weather forecast, I think I can get that up to 600 though it will mean staying out after dark at least once.

Wet Twycrosser

The forecast for this afternoon was dry. I didn’t have that much time but I left work early, wrapped up warm and set off on the Tricross. A little windy, and definitely cold. Pretty dramatic difference from Monday. Feels like winter has arrived.

I did a shortish Twycrosser.

About three minutes after I set off, a light rain started to come down. But ten minutes later it had stopped, and I was rolling along dry roads. The temperature seemed to have climbed a couple of degrees as well. However twenty minutes later, a medium-light but persistent rain set in for the rest of the ride. My toes and fingers were uncomfortably cold.

Fairly miserable run out on the whole, but I did enjoy an interview with Rob Halford on 5 Live. He always seems such a nice, humble, down-to-Earth guy.

Naturally, given that the BBC is a broadcaster obsessed to the point of psychosis with race, gender and sexuality politics, rock music’s Stately Homo was mostly asked questions relating to his status as a gay man. But it was all good, all very interesting.

Home on 24.13 miles. 502 this month.

Willington and Weston

Really nice weather: sunny, warm(ish) and low winds. Left work at about 15:45 and decided to start off by heading up to Belton. But after about a mile I changed my mind and looped around. I’d decided to do a run up towards Donington, turning left for Melbourne at Isley Walton, then up over Swarkestone Bridge and along the flat A road for a bit. So I did that. Stopped after about 19 miles near Willington, and turned back. I was on call, and getting slightly nervy. One day I’ll get caught out.

The idea had been to come back the same way but I kept on past the bridge, toward Weston. Usually I would keep going through Aston, Shardlow to Donington, but I assumed, or hoped, that I’d be able to turn southward without going all the way to Donington.

However, when I consulted Google Maps at Weston, I realised that I couldn’t. There’s a large river in the way, so options for travelling south are limited to the bridges, and the next one was Cavendish Bridge, which would take me down to Donington. By this time it wasn’t really worth turning back – it wouldn’t have got me home much quicker – so I decided to get on with it and pressed on to Donington, from where I came home the usual way through Isley Walton, Griffydam, Peggs Green, Coleorton.

Home on 41.66 miles, about 20 minutes after sunset. Another ten minutes and I’d have had to break out the head torch, but I was able to see the road by the last vestiges of daylight.

A couple of years ago when I asked my physio if she thought it likely that I’d be able to do long rides again following my knee injury, she told me that if I could manage 40 milers on consecutive days, I would probably be able to. By this time I’m not really concerned about that because I’ve done a few 100+ mile rides this last year, but for the record – that was the first time since my knee injury that I’ve done 40+ miles on consecutive days.

Really lovely out there, especially just before sunset with the sun glowing like an orange ball in a haze of dust kicked up by combine harvesters.

Saw a guy on a Boardman like my (red) one. Don’t think he’d done many miles on it though, because the white bar tape was nearly pristine. Unless he’d replaced it, but few people would replace white bar tape with the same again.

I’ve finished the third Reacher novel now, so I listened to football on 5 Live. Sheffield United had a man sent off after 12 minutes, but Villa didn’t make their advantage count until well into the second half and even conceded a penalty (which was missed) in the first. Nice to hear Kieron Dyer summarising but huge credit to Arlo White, the match commentator who was stung by a wasp in the neck but carried on as if nothing had happened. What a trooper.

I’ll give Reacher a rest before plunging him into his next adventure, I think.

Wymeswold and Rempstone

Wanted to do about 40 today – not too far, partly because it was a windy day and secondly because conditions are pretty much ideal tomorrow. With the wind blowing from the east again, I decided on a run out in that direction. With the thought that winter bike weather is not far around the corner, I took the S Works.

Interestingly the headwind was not as bothersome as I expected on the way out – I think it may have been a bit more sidewind-ish than the weather forecast had led me to believe.

Got as far as the junction past Six Hills and decided to take a left to come home the “old way”, through Wymeswold and Rempstone. Took this pic at Wymeswold. I removed a shadow of myself holding the camera from the bottom left of the image.

Cool when I set off at about 11:15, so I wore a light fleece under my cycling top. Much warmer a couple of hours later, so I took it off and stuffed it into my backpack.

Came back through Diseworth and down Top Brand. Listened to footy on 5 Live, Newcastle were tonked by Brighton. But mostly I listened to my Reacher audiobook. Nearing the conclusion now. Very good.

Back on 47.68 miles. Another 30 or so tomorrow after work, hopefully.