Rectangular West

Cooler today, and a bit of a wind coming from the west. But I was relieved of oncall responsibilities at 0800 this morning, so today was set aside to do the April Fondo.

I planned the route last night; the idea was to go up through Coleorton and over Swarkestone Bridge then west along the A road until Sudbury, then go south to come back via what I might term the “legacy westbound route”, which runs to the south of the one which has gained favour in recent years. I did that but took a different turn at Yoxall than I intended, and came back through Barton under Needwood and Coton in the Elms, rather than Alrewas (pronouced “or ‘e was”) and Croxall. Still a familiar westbound route, but a bit shorter.

As I approached Measham though having done only 50 miles, I realised I was going to be about 5 miles short! I knew my navigation error would cut the route a bit shorter, but not that much. Turns out that I somehow made a stupid mistake on the route planner last night and got the track to double back on itself for a couple of miles.

Anyway I made up the requisite Fondo distance by going into Coalville and back.

Excellent day out on the bike, nice to do one of the old westbound routes again, even if only in one direction. The stretch of road that joins the two westbound routes is a brutal rollercoaster of hills, though.

I listened to another four hours of The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch. Really right out there bonkers. It’s hard to know whether the events that appear to take place are real or happening in a sort of psychic netherworld induced by the futuristic drugs that are taken by the characters in the book. Wild. I can only think that Philip Dick had partaken of some hallucinogenics himself when he wrote it.

Back on 63.35 miles, that’s 265 this month. Target is 350.

A Warm Day

A beautiful warm, sunny day today. Unfortunately time constraints and the irritating matter of being on call meant I couldn’t make the most of it, but I did want to do 40 or so.

With the wind coming from the south, I had the idea of doing the southbound route for 20 miles or so then coming back. But I went a slightly different way and missed a turn; I realised I’d done this when I found myself approaching Barton in the Beans. But I pressed on down through Bosworth and Sutton Cheney, with the idea of joining the southbound route at Kirkby Mallory – which should have been easy enough to navigate to from there.

Unfortunately it wasn’t – I thought it was a left turn along the A447 but it was a right. So I looped back to Cheney and decided to do something else. I went west along Fenn Lanes and did a reverse Twycrosser of sorts.

Stopped off at San Giovanni for an Old Fashioned.

Very nice run out really, though I’d have loved to have done a longer ride. My inept navigation took me along some roads I haven’t done very often. Happy to have given the S Works a run out as well, it hadn’t been out of the garage since September.

I hadn’t seen any discarded underwear on a bike ride for quite some time, but the drought is over – two pairs of women’s knickers were sighted in the grass verge between Ibstock and Ravenstone, within  a few feet of each other. I suppose the improved weather must have something to do with it.

Back on 43.37 miles.

Longish Twycross Bypasser

Fitted a new seat post to the Cannondale yesterday so naturally, with a bit of time for cycling this afternoon, I was keen to try it. Had to make a minor adjustment after setting off (the saddle was a touch too high) but after that, it was very comfy indeed. I fitted a similar carbon seat post to the X and wasn’t sure if it made a difference to the ride, but on the X it definitely did feel smoother.

It always amused me that the Cannondale didn’t have a stitch of carbon fibre on it despite being my favourite bike, but I guess that’s why it makes more of a difference now that it does.

Anyway I wanted to do about 40 miles and I did a longer version of the Twycross Bypasser. Along Fenn Lanes and through Shenton and Bosworth, then up through the villages. Hadn’t done that for quite a while, a few months I think. Just checked, not since September according to Strava. Took this pic along Atterton Lane.

Noticed more small birds around than of late – is that a Spring phenomenon? Curious how they like to fly across the road at an altitude of a few inches, sometimes. Catching insects, perhaps? I wonder if they ever like to see how high they can go? Wouldn’t you?

The weather was almost perfect; nearly warm and very dry. A bit windy but not overly bothersome. Really a lovely run out.

39.20 miles.


I managed to leave work not long after 3pm with the intention of doing a Fondo. I was going to go up through Melbourne and west along the Beloved A Road in the time-honoured fashion. However I realised after a few miles that I hadn’t brought a phone with me. I’m not on call at the moment but even so, I’d never hear the end of it if my lovely wife tried to call me. She does have a broken wrist at the moment so it’s conceivable she’d need help with something.

I pressed on nonetheless, but started feeling a bit anxious after I got to Hatton. What would I do if my chain broke, with no phone and no debit card or cash, 20-something miles from home? So I turned back.

Very much a game of two halves, on the outward leg I got rained on quite a bit and had to contend with a headwind. Conditions dried up nicely for the homeward part and it was a very pleasant ride with a light wind behind me.

Back on 43.59 miles, 120 this month. Target is 350.

Twycross Bypasser

Another dry day. Finished work early and off I went. I wanted to do 40 or so and was thinking of doing a bit of the Dad’s Army route, but it was very windy out there and I decided just to do a Twycross Bypasser. So I did, coming back along Bosworth Road and up through Carlton, Barton in the Beans and Newton Burgoland – which I hadn’t done for a while. The smell of animal wee from the farm at Barton is very pungent at the moment.

Very much a game of two halves. Most of a Twycrosser or Bypasser takes place to the west of chez moi so I had a shocker of a headwind to cope with on the first half. But the Tricross rolled along very nicely in the second half with the wind behind me.

Stopped to lean the bike against the public library at Burgoland and take this pic. Nice to see the England flag fluttering in the homeward direction.

Back not long after sunset. I didn’t need to bother with a front light, though I flicked the rear one on as a precaution for the last ten minutes.

Back on 36.49 miles.

Ticknall and Woodville

Wasn’t sure it was a great day for cycling – we had a bit of snow round these parts yesterday and I expected conditions to be a bit cold, as well as windy. But I only had time for about 40 miles, or so I thought – so with a brisk wind coming from the west, I thought I’d go up to the Beloved A Road, then turn back for home after 20 miles.

However by the time I’d got to Derby Airfield after about 18 miles I’d decided to come back a different way, through Ticknall and Woodville. I reckoned this would add a couple of miles to get me up to the requisite 40, so I turned back there and then.

So nice to be cruising along the nicely surfaced flatness of the A5132 in the sunshine with a tailwind. I only wish there was more of it.

Rather than taking the usual road out of Ticknall I followed a sign to Woodville, on a whim. Woodville was on the way home anyway. All this did though was to loop round to my usual route after about a mile and a half. Not a very interesting detour and probably knocked a bit off the overall distance, as well.

Back on 39.49 miles. Nice run out except that I wrapped up too warm and was overheating a bit. The weather was nicer than expected. Taking my Union Jack dutt off helped a bit, but I wished I’d brought a backpack so I could remove a layer of clothing as well.

I made a right dog’s breakfast of recording the ride. I failed to press “resume” a couple of times after stopping, and another time I pressed “save” instead of “resume” so I split the track. Consequently I didn’t know how many miles I’d done until I repaired the track and uploaded it.

Received a WhatsApp from ‘er indoors just I was arriving home, to say that she’d gone to a restaurant with one of her mates. Annoying because I’d kept the ride down to 40 miles because her right arm is in a plaster at the moment and I didn’t want to leave her alone for too long. If I’d known, I’d have done the April Fondo. Would have been a pretty good day for it.

My new El Cheapo cycling shorts were fine.


Yesterday evening would have been better for cycling – warmer and less windy – but I felt tired all day, partly I think due to the change to BST – and I didn’t bother. But I wanted to test ride the X since I’d replaced the chain and had the jockey wheel assembly in bits. Didn’t have that much time after work today but a Twycrosser seemed in order.

Mostly cloudy but the sun did come out now and then. I wrapped up warm and was comfortable. The bike’s working fine though some of the higher gear changes felt a bit rough. I wonder if the rear gear cable’s fraying? Will have a close look. Actually it’s not that long since I changed it, it won’t be that.

26.93 miles, pleasant run out. 490 done this month and if I do another 25 on Thursday, I believe that’ll be a March Personal Best.

Very nice to be putting the bike away in daylight.

Little Bytham

A lovely day was forecast, with plenty of sunshine and a light wind from the east. The plan was to do at least a fondo, but possibly 100 if I got up early enough.

I did get up at 0730, and I set off at 0805 on the Cannondale. I’d decided to do the first 50 miles of the Norfolk route, then come back. And that’s pretty much what I did, although I went slightly further than 50 miles.

Just lovely out there. I took a fleece and a pair of tights in my backpack because I assumed it would be cooler later but I didn’t need them. In the end I was a bit annoyed with myself for bringing them. Glad I was able to top up my tan lines a bit.

As usual I stopped for a feast at the village shop at Buckminster, ideally situated 40 miles from home.

Listened to more of my audiobook, The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch. Must admit it did draw me in a little though more because I was interested in the fantasy universe in which the story takes place than the story itself, which still feels a bit directionless. Also listened to footy chat on 5 Live, Gilles Peterson on 6 Music and a bit of the England game on Talk Sport.

Really a glorious run out. I love that part of the world east of Eastwell. Quite pleased as well that I managed to navigate the 50 miles without recourse to Google Maps, although I’ve done the first 31 many times.

Lots of pheasant out at the moment. I saw a very recently expired one on the road at Stonesby, but a public-spirited chap out walking a dog thoughtfully removed it from the road and threw it into the hedge at the side of the road as I was passing. I think it had been hit by a car. Very quick, I’m sure.

That was a breeze. Pick a warm day and eat like a horse. That’s the key to doing long rides without wearing yourself out.

Back half an hour before sunset, on 101.30 miles. 464 this month, pretty good going for a March and 1182 this year.

Dunton Bassett

During my lunch break today I took advantage of the nice weather to fit a new inner tube and two new tyres onto Boardman II. Beautiful day, sunny, light winds and easily warm enough for exposed legs so I left work early and took the new tyres (and inner tube) for a spin.

Normally I wouldn’t do more than 25 or so with a new component, but I wanted to do at least 40 and I took the risk. I thought I might even do a Fondo – but probably not, since the weather looks good on Saturday as well when I’ll have more time for a long ride.

I did the southbound route. Kept going south as far as Dunton Bassett. I’d usually continue on to Gilmorton from there, but since I was about to turn back I took a different turn, to go exploring a little. This took me to a village called Ashby Magna. From there, rather than turning back to come the same way, I followed a sign back to Dunton Bassett which looped me back round to the usual route after about a mile.

Really nice run out. Nice to have the old legs out again. I did take a pair of tights in my backpack and was tempted to put them on when the temperature dropped after sunset. I didn’t bother. But interestingly I found myself pedalling back into warmer air, now and then. The dip between Ibstock and Ravenstone though was like being lowered into ice water.

Back on 48.97 miles.

I do think the second Boardman looks better with plain black tyres.

Tough Fondo

A dry day but cool, cloudy and very windy. Since the wind was coming from the NE I thought I’d do the eastbound route (which is actually a bit north-eastish in reality).

I hoped to do a Fondo if poss but thought it quite likely that the wind would prove too much. It certainly was brutal but I struggled on until I’d done 30 miles, by which time I’d had enough and turned round. What a relief. I thought I’d top up the ride distance to the requisite 100km by taking a detour through Diseworth on the way back. I also came back the old way through Wymeswold and Rempstone, which definitely made a nice change.

A game of two halves of course but the second half was very pleasant.

Listened to footy on 5 Live and another couple of hours of the Philip Dick audiobook. Getting the impression that he’s making it up as he goes along rather than working to a plot.

Back on 62.36 miles, which takes me to 357 this month, and past the April target. I’m using a simplified monthly target system this year. Rather than have them dynamically calculated by the spreadsheet based on distance done in previous months, I’m just going for 300 in Jan, Feb, Nov Dec, 350 in Mar, Apr, Sep, Oct and 400 in the four months in the middle.

That was the 8th Fondo this year, on target for 24 in 2022.