I wasn’t going to cycle at all today. I’d planned to have a hedonistic lazy day indoors, but since I only did 14.51 yesterday, and in honour of all those cold, wet days when I’ve pulled on tights, several layers, a balaclava and overshoes, I mounted the Cannondale and ventured out into the warm sunshine at about 4:40pm when the heat of the day had abated a bit, although the wind hadn’t.
I did a long version Twycrosser. I’d intended to come back up through Kirkby Mallory, which is an unusual feature of a Twycrosser – but took the wrong turn for that when I got to the A477. I turned right just opposite Cadeby, thinking I could get to Kirkby that way – but that road, though quite pleasant, only led to a quarry. I backtracked, then came back home through Bagworth and Ellistown.

Lovely run out, really. On Atterton Lane a fox sauntered across the road about 100 metres in front of me, which I think is a first on a bike ride.
Anyway 40.48, which takes me to 677 this month and 2527 this year, which is 1189 more than I’d done in 2019 a year ago. I might see if I can get that monthly total up to 600 tomorrow, but even if I don’t that’s the highest monthly figure since Aug 2016.