Beyond Six Hills

I’m led to believe by the weather forecast that today is the last day of the modest heatwave we’ve had, so I thought I’d do a few hours after work. Still feels like a novelty to be able to ride without tights on.

Wanted to run in the new rear tyre on the X, and I headed off on the eastbound route at about 4:10pm, to make the most of the warm afternoon sunshine. I did think of doing the June Fondo, but decided not to go quite that far. I was on call from 6pm, and didn’t want to push my luck.

Turned back not long after Six Hills. Decided to come back through Coalville, to increase my chances of seeing lady joggers in tight gym pants pounding the pavement. My initiative was not rewarded.

45.27, 77 done this month. Glad to have taken a decent bite out of this month’s distance task. 503 still to do.

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