
Lovely afternoon again, warm and sunny. I set off with the intention of doing a Twycross Bypasser at 1552. There was a fair old breeze coming from the north-west and a Twycrosser (or Bypasser) mostly takes place to the south-west so not ideal, but I was looking forward to the cosy familiarity of a frequent ride as a sort of warm-down from Wales.

However, unaccountably, I forgot to take the turn to Norton on the road down to Twycross, so I continued all the way down there. I did the detour to Orton from there, though.

Went right down to Mythe Lane and across Atterton Lane, to the A444, which I took all the way up to Gibbet Lane. I don’t usually do that long a stretch of A444, preferring to turn for Bosworth or Shenton more often that not. But it was fine.

I was listening to Marr on LBC, sitting at the bench next to the Gibbet Post when news of Javid’s resignation came through. He’d already been trying to get maximum mileage out of the Pincher story, but now he was beside himself, like a schoolboy who’d won a big bag of sweets. When it turned out that Rishi had thrown in the towel as well, I hoped he’d brought a change of underwear.

He did his best to paint the situation as the government collapsing, as if two cabinet ministers resigning on the same day was unprecedented (it wasn’t).

Ten minutes later he and his guests (none supportive of the PM of course) were discussing the possibility of a Labour / Lib-Dem coalition changing the voting system to keep the Tories out of power for “a very long time”. Twenty minutes after that, Heseltine was on, and the words “if Boris goes, Brexit goes” came out of his mouth.

We see you. It’s not subtle.

It did occur to me, as I glanced at the Gibbet Post, that it might be quite nice to see Sav or Rishi chained to it, post-mortem. Dishonourable, dishonest men, just positioning themselves to avoid the fallout if the media take the PM down. Nothing more than that.

Anyway – back up through Ibstock and home on 32.62 miles – which takes me to 2901 this year.