Twycross Bypasser with Ski Slope Diversion

I went over through Norton Juxta Twycross in Twycross Bypasser stylee, but I turned right instead of left, thinking of going over through No Man’s Heath and Clifton Campville. Then I remembered how rough the roads are over that way and I didn’t fancy doing that on two nice new road wheels, so I followed a sign to Orton. A few minutes later, I realised what I’d done. I was following a road that would lead me, inexorably, to the wrong end of a curvy hill known locally as the “ski slope”. I’d made this mistake before. Actually it wasn’t too strenuous.

I must say the views over there, with the fields bathed in late afternoon sunshine, were glorious.

After Orton I came back via a typical Twycross Bypasser route. I was tempted to come back along Fenn Lanes, but since I was road testing new parts and I didn’t have a proper front light, I thought better of it and took a mostly direct route home along Burton Road and Gibbet Lane.

Everything working nicely on the bike, thankfully. Does it feel a bit more zippy with the new wheels? No, it feels pretty much the same but I’m happy enough with that. Objectively the wheels are a bit lighter. I get the feeling the rolling resistance is a bit higher but that’s probably because the tyres (Conti Ultra Sport) are new (they should harden up a bit over time and resist a bit less).

Back on 32.74 miles, 342 this month which is only 8 miles short of target. But the rest of the month is predominantly rainy, according to the forecast.