Unusual Bosworth

Well that was an odd one. With a light wind coming from the south I thought I’d do a bit of the southbound route and come back. I took a bit of a detour after Ellistown. After 14 miles I couldn’t be bothered with the climb into Earl Shilton so I turned back to Kirkby Mallory and took the road from there to Sutton Cheney.

After that I took a road I’ve only done a few times, to Market Bosworth. From there I had the idea to go to Sheepy Magna but I couldn’t for the life of me work out how to do that in my head – so after a bit of faffing around I gave up and came back northward to home, albeit via a rather circuitous route up the main road then left to Barton in the Beans.

A remarkable sight confronted me coming down the last hill before the turn for Heather – the ground ahead and below me was swathed in a ghostly fog. I took a pic but didn’t quite manage to capture it. It was a while after sunset though, so actually it’s a testament to the low light capability of my phone that I got a decent image at all.

For some reason at about the same time, a helicopter was lurking a few hundred feet up about half a mile to the east. Police helicopter maybe?

Fortunately I was through the ground-hugging fog after a couple of minutes.

The roads were a bit wet after a lot of rain overnight and this morning. For days the BBC had been forecasting showers for this afternoon. They withdrew their threat this morning. However it turns out they were right all along. But I only had to put up with light rain for ten minutes. The sun was shining nicely at the same time.

Finished the Reacher novel.

That one was more about getting another 30-odd miles in than the experience, but it was quite enjoyable nonetheless.

Back on 38.21 which leaves me on 5306 this year. Just 694 to do to hit 6,000 for 2023.
