
The weather forecast held a threat of showers at around 5pm, although this had been withdrawn by midday. I left work early and set off at 1500 to do a Twycrosser (I thought Orton Lane might be a bt too waterlogged for a Bypasser).

About a quarter hour later, rain. Cold, persistent and somewhat unpleasant. About 45 minutes later though as I approached Twycross, the rain died away to be replaced by blue skies, yellowy fluffy clouds and sunshine, and the roads were dry. Looks like if I’d set off an hour earlier I’d have missed the rain. It was actually really nice out there by this time in the last of the afternoon light. I mostly dried out except for my feet, which were in woolly hiking socks.

Back on to the wet roads as I approached Bosworth coming back up north. Pretty horrible in the dark. I enjoy cycling in the dark mostly but wet roads are annoying even with a bright front light.

Came back up through Newton Burgoland and Ibstock. Quite an enjoyable run out on the whole. Back on 37.35. 159 done this month, I hope to get that up to about 400.