
I hoped to do at least 80 today, originally. Very light winds were forecast. It was going to be sunny. But the forecast changed to threaten mist after sunset, so I decided to keep it down to fondo distance or thereabouts.

The wind was coming from the west, but I decided to go east anyway. It was only supposed to be 4 mph, not enough to worry about. The wind direction was due to do a 180° turn later in the afternoon interestingly, although not until after sunset so I wouldn’t have been able to take advantage of that.

I put too many layers on, unfortunately. I ended up stashing a pair of overtrousers and a winter cycling tunic in my backpack after about 17 miles and I didn’t need them again during the ride. I guess I hadn’t taken the direct sunshine into account, it does make a big difference.

Got to the Eastwell crossroads at about 1150 (I’d set off at 0905) but decided to press on. I went right past the left turn to Belvoir Castle and kept going, something I hadn’t done before. This led to a long, steep descent. My curiosity to visit the village of Knipton overcame my instinct not to go down the hill. Happily it had a (very small) village shop with a table outside, so at least I was able to take a break for lunch before slogging back up and homeward.

Took a different way home after Six Hills, through Wymeswold and Hoton. And after Belton, I came back through Peggs Green and Coleorton.

I took the pic near Cotes. Very impressed with the multi-exposure capture function on my phone; even with the camera facing the Sun directly, the bike was exposed nicely.

Listened to LBC,  the British Sea Power album Do You Like Rock Music? and 5 Live, including some of United v Luton.

Back on 74.05, about half an hour before sunset. I could have done a bit more. But the lure of a coffee and a couple of digestive biscuits is strong.