Rainy Twycrosser

The forecast threatened rain in the late afternoon, but I thought I’d take the Cannonale out for 40 miles or so to check the gears are set up properly after yesterday’s adjustments. I was going to do a Bypasser, but the wind was a bit stiff so I decided to keep it short and do an old-fashioned Twycrosser.

The first hour or so passed pleasantly enough, then the rain came down a few hours earlier than advertised. It mostly rained for the rest of the ride, though the last 25 minutes or so was dry. At least the wind was warm so I dried off quickly.

I didn’t do Mythe Lane / Atterton this time, I went through Ratcliffe Culey and Sibson then down to Fenny Drayton and along Fenn Lanes. Very nice to get the respite from the wind when I turned into Fenn Lanes to come back up.

The gears are set up very nicely now, thankfully. Very happy to have got the Cannondale sorted out at last. The saddle feels a little bit low – unsure whether it’s slipped or I set it up like that when I installed the carbon seat post. But I’ll hoist it up a few mm and apply some of the grippy paste I bought for the Roubaix, which seems to work nicely.

Back on 35.98 miles, 514 this month now.

Surprisingly I’ve done more miles this year now (3601) than I had by this time last year (I’d done 3565). Last year is my record distance year. But I have no particular wish to break the record.
