Melbourne and Ticknall

Only did about 23 yesterday, so I dutifully mounted the Boardman again at about 3:30pm today. Windy, but dry. Sunny, at least when I set off. And almost warm! 

I’d actually intended to take the Tricross, which has a magnet driven bike computer so since I was only going to do 20-odd and my phone happened to be full charged, I decided I’d track the ride on the Android Strava app. Because I switched to the Boardman on a whim at the last minute, I wasn’t able to see the distance done while I was riding. But I knew I’d done 5 miles by the time I reached Gracedieu Lane, and thought I must have done about 14 as I hit Melbourne.

I was going to go up over Swarkestone Bridge and left along the river again, but just before Stanton I took a sharp left to Ticknall, instead. I’m not sure if I’ve ever done that road to Ticknall before. It was quiet with nice views, but a long uphill grind. I came back the usual way (or a variation thereof) from Ticknall. I believe I let out an involuntary whimper when I saw Bastard Hill looming in front of me.

Getting a bit dark as I rolled through Ashby. I guessed I’d probably done 25 when I arrived back at my garage. Actually 27.44. I noticed that the garage door was spotted with rain, but I hadn’t been rained on myself. Lucky.

351 this month, and just 782 miles to go to reach my target of 6000 in 2020. But I’m starting to think 6214 (10,000 km) is doable.

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