Narrow Lane

I really wanted to do at least a fondo today, maybe even 100+ miles – but then the weather forecast changed to threaten thunder and showers in the afternoon. I set off at 0850 hoping to do 30 or 40 before the rain came over.

Actually spots of rain were coming down as I wheeled the bike out, but they died off ten minutes later. Warm out there from the outset, even in minimal clothing. Conditions grew uncomfortably warmer and more humid ad the ride wore on.

I went eastbound as far as Narrow Lane, which I took to hook northward to Wymeswold, then came back via Hoton. After crossing the border back into Leicestershire I detoured via Diseworth. Came back down the longer way through Griffydam and Peggs Green.

Spots of rain again over the last couple of miles but it didn’t get any worse.

Listened to the Stones’ Steel Wheels, then Nai Palm’s Needle Paw. Then (unusually) a bit of classical. Georg Solti and the Chicago Symphony Orchestra.

Back on 45.44. 258 this month. Looking good for 500.