
I particularly wanted to take advantage of a warm, dry day with light winds to do a long ride. The weather forecast looks poor from Sunday and other plans have been made for me tomorrow.

So I booked the afternoon off, with the idea of sneaking out of work at about 1130 and doing 80 miles or so. Alas – my participation was required at a meeting on the afternoon, so I unbooked my half day. I thought I’d be able to get away by 1430 and maybe get in another fondo but nope, I wasn’t able to get out of it until 1500.

So I settled for a Twycrosser. It’s a nice Friday afternoon tradition, to mark the end of the working week. I took the S Works, because I’ve just changed the rear inner tube (again). I think it was a valve fault. Just wanted to check all’s well with the new tube on a relatively short ride.

I had to stop for a wee after only 11 miles because it’s Urology Day, apparently. 5 Live had a piece on this, and they played some running water sounds as examples of aural stimuli likely to make people want to wee. It worked. But what if I’d been stuck in a car in heavy traffic on the M1?

Anyway I came back along Fenn Lanes but took a short cut past the Judith Birch bench near Shenton. Back up through Bosworth and the villages, but I looped through Burgoland and Swepstone to extend the ride a bit.

Back on 36.21, not as much as I’d have liked. But every 30 miles at this stage is 10 miles I don’t have to do in each of the last three months.

357 this month, another 100 before October will do nicely.