Eastwell Fondo

A dry, warm day. Feeling a little bit debilitated from drinking every day on holiday last week and I had a couple after I got back yesterday, too. On top of that my knees felt a little tender from walking up and down coastal paths in Devon for a week.

But I’d only had one cycling opportunity so far this month and I’m on call next week, so I resolved to do a Fondo. To keep it easy I thought I’d have a nice, simple run out to Eastwell and back. The default Fondo.

I woke from an unusual dream this morning in which I was cleaning my white leather and suede cycling shoes. In the dream  I had a huge emotional attachment to them, as a symbol of my cycling habit this last 6.5 years. When I woke, I realised that they didn’t exist.

My knees coped OK and I felt a lot better after a cheese & onion pasty, acquired at the garage at Burton on the Wolds. But I took it easy anyway.

Simply because I’ve only used it once since I replaced the rear mech, I decided to take the Boardman. And I realised after about ten miles or so that I’d come out without a spare inner tube – I took the saddle bag off when I cleaned it in May, and never put it back. After that I toyed with the idea of turning back early and making up the Fondo miles closer to home, but ultimately I decided to press on. The probability of picking up a puncture over 20 miles from home seemed pretty low.

I turned back at the crossroads near Eastwell. I was slightly annoyed to experience a headwind now and then on the way back, because the weather forecast had promised me a sidewind both ways. I came back through Long Whatton, Diseworth and Coleorton, which added a few miles.

I listened mostly to Pushing Ice but also, on and off, to the Men’s Singles Final at Wimbledon.

Quite a few cyclists out today, no less than three of them black people. I only mention this because it’s quite rare to see a black person on a bike in the East Midlands; typically I see one every couple of months. So that was unusual, and good to see.

65.25, 151 this month, not bad for two rides. Should be able to push that up to 400 by the end of the month, I think.


Way out East

I’ve been hoping a suitable day for another long ride out to Norfolk and back would turn up while the daylight hours are in plentiful supply, and today looked like it – not too warm, not overly cold in the morning, sunny but with a bit of respite from light cloud, very light wind.

Unfortunately I couldn’t spare the time, today. Stuff to do this evening at home. However I thought I could at least get a Fondo in; maybe even a 100 miler.

I set off fairly late, though. I wanted the temperature to climb a bit first. I left at about 09:40.

Quite cloudy and cool for the first hour and a half or so. I had legwarmers on, and a light fleece over the base layer. I took them off after 25 miles, but they were only really useful for the first 15. I regretted bringing them, and having to carry them round the rest of the ride in a backpack. I should just have tolerated the conditions for the first fifteen miles.

Once or twice in the past I’ve used a disposable t-shirt – that I’ve been about to throw out anyway – for the first part of a ride, and left it in a litter bin at a village along the way. Maybe I should have done that.

Anyway beautifully warm and sunny after Burton on the Wolds or so. The idea was to press along the “new” Norfolk route that goes through Walltham, and see how far I got. I decided to turn back after about 42 miles. Very frustrating as I really wanted to press on onto the flat bit of Lincolnshire, just a few miles to the east. It was a lovely route and beautiful weather.

Maybe later in the year.

Listened mainly to Pushing Ice, my sci-fi audiobook which has now taken a turn for the slightly bizarre.

I picked up some refreshments at a deli in Stonesby and had a nice lunch on a bench there. On the way back a couple of hours later I stopped at the same place to get a fizzy drink but just as I was parking up the bike outside their door and pulling off my gloves, one of the ladies working there came and closed the door more or less in my face, turning the sign to CLOSED. Charming. But it was 3pm exactly. Rules are rules!

Fortunately the Post Office a few metres further along the road was open and I purchased a chilled Lucozade and a Bounty bar there.

No particularly interesting wildlife, but I did see a toadstool the size of a tea plate on a grass verge.

Back on 85.27 miles.


Twycross Bypasser / Reverse Twycrosser

Not much time tonight but I thought I’d get 20 or so in after work. The idea was to do a short Twycrosser. But since the weather was quite nice I thought I’d take a pair of binoculars with me in a backpack and examine the view to the west from near Little Orton, a road that bypasses Twycross. I did that. I noticed a tower block about (at a guess) 10 miles in the distance, which I think might be at Tamworth. I will take a compass and a camera with a telephoto lens some time soon, possibly not on a bike though.

Nice weather. Warm, mostly cloudy but the sun did come out for a bit.

Realised I was going to be back in substantially more than 20 miles by the time I got to Orton Lane, and I was pushed for time. So I mentally plotted the shortest route back. Not correctly, as it turns out. I took the A road, then Gibbet Lane from Twycross. Looking at the route on a map, straight up to Snarestone would have been quicker. But I was back in time in any case.

Listened to England vs Germany on 5 Live, and I must admit that despite my disdain for Southgate and his ridiculous indulgence of virtue-signalling identity politics, as the match wore on I started to hope that we might knock the Germans out of a tournament for a change. Perversely, the first England goal just made me nervous. It’s the hope that kills you and I couldn’t help but suppose that they’d get a last gasp equaliser that would lead, after a mutually frustrating period of extra time, to a penalty competition.

But that’s not what happened. The second goal went in just as I was closing the garage door on the bike. Good times.


That’s a wrap for June I think, I won’t ride a bike tomorrow. Half-way point in the year already. 521 this month, 2458 this year.

I have the day off on Thursday. Looks like ideal weather for the July Fondo.


A mainly dry day with a slight threat of showers, and for a change the wind was coming from the east. I got up early-ish and decided to do the classic eastbound Fondo.

I thought I’d try my leg warmers – it definitely wasn’t quite warm enough for bare legs, and they’re a bit more substantial than my usual cycling tights. I actually hadn’t used them for years. Worked out pretty well. As it turned out I wasn’t really warm enough to want to take them off until the last five miles, and I didn’t bother.

I noticed I was getting a lot of waves, today. I mean a reasonable proportion of fellow cyclists often nod or wave naturally, and I return the courtesy of course but today pretty much everyone wanted to have a go. Is it because the leg warmers have a ridiculous tarty design with the manufacturer’s branding all over them, that shouts “serious cyclist” and makes such pleasantries more gratifying? I don’t know. I only bought them because they were cheap.

Anyway I got to the crossroads near Eastwell, my usual eastbound Fondo endpoint, but took a right to Waltham again, same as last time I did this route. This time though I went no further. Stopped at a bench there to eat the cheese rolls I’d brought with me and took this pic. Then I turned back.

I stopped at a garage at Burton on the Wolds to get more fuel (a cheese & beetroot sandwich and a Malteser bar) on the way back, and stopped at my favourite enormous log near Cotes. Again, I took a pic.

The headwind on the eastward leg of the journey wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. Made me think I should have done a longer ride, really, especially since the nights are now getting shorter. I’d like to do Wales and back this year, although the wind direction wasn’t right for that today. But I’m pleased to have done three Fondos in June.

I absorbed more Pushing Ice, the Alastair Reynolds book I’ve been listening to. I wouldn’t say it’s a page turner exactly, or whatever the audiobook equivalent of that is. But it’s still got my attention. Also listened to a smorgasboard of radio covering tennis, football and most interestingly listeners’ opinions on Snog-gate on LBC. As I listened I realised that Matt’s position had become untenable, and I became convinced that he’d resign – as indeed he did, a few hours later. The most persuasive argument was offered by a contributor who suggested that if circumstances dictated that he had to ask people to lock down again later in the year, he wouldn’t be able to do so without being given endless grief by hostile journos and opposition politicians, and the message would be undermined.

Great shame because outside the fictional alternative universe the Left have constructed to make them feel better about themselves, where everything the Tories do is a disaster – Matt Hancock did an outstanding job in that role. But the Civil Service Stasi have scuppered that now.

Took the long way home back over the Leicestershire border, through Long Whatton and Coleorton.

Back on 72.03 miles, 496 this month.



Lovely weather again; warm, sunny and low winds. I left work as early as I could for a run out east. I entertained the idea of doing a post-work Fondo, to take advantage of the late sunset – but I could tell from a distant wind farm that I had a tailwind as I approached Six Hills, so I decided not to. I can do without a headwind on the second half of a long ride.

After 21 miles or so, I decided to turn back, but I decided to take a right turn to Ragdale first. I hadn’t been along there so I thought I’d explore for a bit. Didn’t go as far as the village of Ragdale itself. Turned for home after about half a mile. Came back the same way.

Really lovely out there, I was too warm early on but comfortable later when the temperature dropped.

Listened to Spain vs Slovakia on 5 Live. Before the game started, a Spanish pundit taking part in the coverage report that the Spanish public was apathetic about their national football team. He was asked how they’d respond if Spain won 5-0, and replied that they wouldn’t. But they did! Later I listened to the first half of France vs Portugal. Even more entertaining.

I stopped at the Greyhound pub 18 miles from home on the way back, for the first time since the pandemic started. Very nice to be back there although I’ve rolled past it quite a few times. I must say, a packet of crisps and a half San Miguel definitely gave me a boost.

Glorious run out really. The moment I locked the garage door before making my way back into the house, it started to rain! Which I hadn’t expected at all. Beautiful timing.


44.27 miles, 424 this month.

Rediscovering the Lost Road

I left the house at about 4pm togged up in cycling gear, only to be confronted by gloomy skies and a light drizzle. I returned to my desk to scrutinise the rainfall radar. It looked like a clump of rain was coming over from the north-east, but if I pedalled myself a mile or two eastward, I’d escape it.

Unfortunately that’s not quite what happened. I was assaulted by cold rain, propelled into my face by a fairly strong wind until I got to Stanford on Soar, 13 miles after setting off. My gloves and feet were a bit damp by this time but from this point conditions were nice and dry, and I dried off eventually. I stopped at Prestwold Park after about 16 miles, then decided to head back to base.

However, instead of turning back along Barrow Road, I decided to take a turn I hadn’t tried before, north along Prestwold Lane to explore a bit. The first junction I came to offered a turn to Hoton. I’d been through there once or twice, so I took that. From there I followed a sign to Wymeswold – part of the old eastbound route. This turned out to be very fortuitous, because I found myself on the fabled Lost Road.

The what? Well – a year or two ago I took an unusual turn in the same area and found myself on a really pleasant, quiet secluded road, well-surfaced and lined by trees. I didn’t make a note of where I was and I’ve never been able to find it again. I mean – I’ve only looked a couple of times on a bike admittedly, but I even spent half an hour on Google Street View and didn’t find it. It is, I shall record here, Wymeswold Road between Hoton and Wymeswold.

Back the old-fashioned way through Rempstone, Zouch, Belton, Coleorton. I hoped that the rubbish weather would have passed by the time I was west of Stanford again, and it had. I could see that the weather was clear to the west from the high ground near the border with Nottinghamshire. The roads near home were nice and dry now with just a few puddles near the side of the road here and there.

Certainly that one felt like a bit of a mistake for the first dozen miles or so, but it turned out to be a very nice run out.


37.43 miles, that’s 380 this month now which is well over the recalculated target for June.

Compass Test Twycross Bypasser

Rain most of the day yesterday, but today was forecast dry. I took the Tricross although there were only a few puddles around, all of them highly avoidable as it turned out.

I’m on call yet again today. Fortunately that’s only a one-week-in-four phenomenon now, but of course it meant I couldn’t go too far. I decided on a Twycross Bypasser.

I’ve started, prompted no doubt by better visibility allowed by the beautiful weather, to take more notice of the surrounding landscape while I’m out on a bike. Sometimes, while taking in the view from a high spot, I’ll find myself thinking – I wonder where that hill is, in the far distance? Or that tower, or distant clump of trees, or whatever. I wonder if I could find them on Google Maps, or Google Earth?

So I’ve bought myself a compass, with the intention of taking some bearings on distant objects, then nerding out on a map. It’s one of those flip-open ones; you line it up using an optical sight then peer into a little lens, and it tells you the bearing in degrees. To test it I stopped at a spot I knew I’d be able to locate on Google Maps, near Little Orton and lined it up on the Lichfield TV transmitter at Hopwas Hill, a little over eight miles away. I took a bearing. 274 degrees magnetic. I made a note on a piece of paper I’d brought along with me.

Then when I got home I used this site – https://www.acscdg.com/ – to check the bearing. Azimuth 266 degrees, or 274 magnetic! Lovely. It works. How handy that Earth has a magnetic field.

I also took a bearing on a distant pointy hill from the same spot (256 magnetic) and will see if I can find it on a map later.

I cycled past two teenage girls walking along Mythe Lane. One of them heard me coming at the last second, turned round then jumped about three feet into the air and let out a loud squeal. I wasn’t even passing them particularly close! I think that’s a first.

Cloudy and cool, so I wrapped up reasonably warm. I regretted not bringing a backpack later to stuff unwanted layers of clothing into after the sun came out and the temperature climbed a few degrees. I also regretted not having brought a debit card with me when I passed the Gate Hangs Well coming north of Bosworth. Would have been nice to stop for a cheeky G&T.

Nice run out, 37.29 miles, 342 this month. Hoping to another long one before July kicks in.


Twycross Bypasser

Certainly, I have other things to be doing with my spare time – but it seems a shame to waste warm cycling weather, so once again I withdrew a bicycle from the garage after work.

Arguably too warm for a long ride, and I’m on call again. A little too windy for a run out east, as well. So I settled on a Twycross Bypasser, with the Warton Lane extension that has found favour in recent weeks.

I took it easy because it really was pretty warm out there, even when the bright sunshine gave way to cloudy skies.

Listened to Wales vs Turkey on 5 Live. Interesting game. West Britain won, but Gareth Bale put a penalty over the bar to make it 12 games for his geographical region without scoring.

Very good visibility out there. Nice view of both transmitters (Lichfield and the more distant Sutton Coldfield) from the road between Little Orton and Sheepy.

A bit annoyed that I’d forgotten to put a mirror back on after cleaning the bar tape. But a nice run out. 35.51 miles, 305 this month.


Westbound Fondo

Another lovely day but the weather is due for a change later in the week, so I took the afternoon off work to do a Fondo. There are so many days in the year when you have to clad yourself in multiple layers of clothing to go cycling and still end up with freezing fingers and toes, that it seems a rare privilege to be able to go out in short sleeves and shorts on a warm day.

Actually it wasn’t that warm when I set off and I wondered if I’d made a mistake on the clothing strategy. But an hour or so later conditions were perfect.

I only settled on a firm plan a mile or two after setting off. I went up through Coalville to Belton and Isley Walton then up over Swarkestone Bridge. By this time the idea was to go west along the time-honoured Flat A Road until I’d done 30-odd miles then come back. The wind was coming from the west.

But when I got to Sudbury after 29 miles, I saw a sign to Abbot’s Bromley – part of the other (more southerly) westbound route. I didn’t know how much this would add to the overall distance and I couldn’t afford to stay out too long since I’m on call, but I decided to take it. This took me south along a B road. Really quite a nice stretch, not too busy and with a few pubs, though I didn’t stop.

After a few miles, Abbots Bromley was signposted to the west – this seemed a counter-intuitive thing to do given that I needed to be going back east, so I consulted Google Maps at a farm gate off the road. The road I was on would take me to Yoxall, familiar territory. Perfect. So I carried on to Yoxall and through Barton under Needwood, Walton-on-Trent, Rosliston et al. All familiar points on the “lower westbound” route.

I stopped to take the following pic near Measham. I have no idea who the property where these signs are maintained belongs to, but he or she seems to be thoroughly astute.

By this time I’d realised that, rather than over-extending my ride, my unplanned impromptu route home would see me back on about 57 miles at most. I extended it to the requisite 100km distance by taking an indirect route back, through Swepstone and Ibstock.

Really a very satisfying ride, much more interesting than a perfunctory run along the A road and back the same way. And very nice to do the older westbound route again for the latter part of the ride, I don’t do it that often these days. It’s much hillier than the A road but a valued element of my road repertoire nonetheless.

I must compose a proper Fondo route based on this ride, perhaps one that goes all the way to Abbots Bromley.

I listened mainly to Scotland vs Czech Republic on 5 Live. As the game started, I thought of the words of Neil Oliver: “Until the day I die, I will consider myself to be British”. And I remembered that those brave Scottish lads, facing a foreign foe on British territory, are after all my countrymen.

And yet – somehow, I couldn’t help a cheer and a fist pump when the first goal went in against them, as I pedalled through Scropton. So much so that a gentleman on the pavement nearby withdrew his phone to find out what had happened.

First thing I did when I got home was to sit myself in front of YouTube to check out the second goal they’d conceded, it sounded spectacular. And it was.

62.40, 269 this month, 2206 this year.


Augmented Twycrosser

I got up early this morning, yet somehow I didn’t really feel like grinding out a long ride. Shame really because it was a warm, dry day and I wasn’t on call. Just the sort of conditions that can be frustratingly elusive. But the wind was coming from the west and I didn’t really fancy a long run out over that way again so soon.

In the end I left the house at about 10:25, with the thought of doing 45 or so – which would allow me time for other activities in the afternoon, but get the distance total for June up to about 200 miles.

No clear idea of what I wanted to do as I set off, but I settled for a Twycrosser. I decided to have a run along the Dad’s Army extension, into Warwickshire. That led me eventually along a busy stretch of the A5, I tried a couple of left turns off that, but both took me into dead-end industrial estates. After a few miles of that, I turned back.

Back off the A5 and onto Spon Lane. On a whim I decided to take a left off that, to explore for a bit. Found myself on a narrow, gritty and mostly uphill track. At the top of that I followed a sign to Dordon. I had no real idea where I was at this point, but fortunately Dordon was a decent-sized little town so I was hopeful I’d have a better route out of it than the narrow track I’d just taken.

And I did, but this took me back to the A5! I’d looped back onto myself. So I came back down. I stopped at a garage and bought an iced coffee, a bag of crisps and a Flake. Strolled over to a nearby Starbucks and made myself comfortable at a table and chair outside there. Bit cheeky I suppose, since I was consuming food bought elsewhere.

Back onto the Twycross route, along Fenn Lanes, up through Bosworth, Carlton et al as usual. I stopped at the Gate Hangs Well for a G&T in the sunshine six miles from home.

Back on 51.59 miles. 207 this month. In the end I was sorry I hadn’t done a proper Fondo. I could have done another ten miles today of course but I much prefer to go somewhere 20-odd miles away and come back, rather than faffing around.

Still – nice run out on a warm, sunny day. Quick shower when I got back then out again for cocktails by the lake at San Giovanni, so it’s been a good day.
