Windy Twycross

The plan was to have another day off cycling today, and do 50 or 60 miles tomorrow. But the forecast changed to rain and 40mph winds for tomorrow, so since this afternoon was relatively dry, I left work early with thoughts of doing 25 or so. I took the hybrid.

Unsurprisingly, there’s a lot of standing water around, though it hasn’t rained today. I did a sort of sub-Twycross. I’d had enough of the strong sidewind by the time I got near Twycross. I’d literally been blown sideways onto the grass verge at one point. So I took a left at Little Twycross, after which it became a tailwind and I started to enjoy myself a bit. So I extended my ride by continuing across to Ibstock to hang onto the tailwind for a while, and came home that way. Back just after sunset.

About a second after I took this pic at the “unmanned unodourised gas station” just outside Twycross, a gust of wind blew a glove from where I’d perched it on the bike, through the gate. So I had to defy the “no unauthorised persons” sign and climb over to retrieve it.

21.81, which takes me to within 7 miles of this months “adjusted” target, which is 299. But I hope I can do another 60 or so at least. The weather forecast looks hostile, however.


Today’s weather forecast promised a bit of rain in the morning then a dry afternoon, so I planned to leave work early and do about 30. But when I checked it again at about 2pm it had changed its mind, now threatening light rain at 4pm-ish.

So I decided on an extended lunch break ride instead, and set off on Neil at about 3pm. I’d actually decided on the hybrid due to the likelihood of precipitation but I’d put my cycling shoes on before I remembered that it doesn’t have clippy pedals any more. FFS.

Anyway – I did a Twycross. A slightly unusual one in that I came back through Ibstock. I didn’t fancy Heather Lane much in those conditions.

Took the following pic at Sheepy Magna.

Not too cold. It didn’t actually rain save a few cold, sharp spots south of Ibstock, but the roads were running with water here and there and Neil’s nether regions were splashed. But he got a bloody good seeing to with GT85 on returning to the garage. I’ll have to relube it tomorrow or on Wednesday.

Very blowy. Quite an annoying sidewind from time to time in exposed places. Back about 20 minutes after sunset.

26.18 miles.

Coast and Chemical Works

Came up to Hartlepool for a few days on Thursday evening and the weather forecast suggested that yesterday morning was my only opportunity to get out on Boardman II, now resident in my mum’s garage. Not exactly ideal conditions though with a strong wind blowing from the south due to intensify to 40mph+ by noon-ish. I set off at about 0900.

Fortunately my usual run out from chez mum takes me down along the coast, so I’d have a tailwind on the way back. I thought I’d do the Transporter Bridge and back, as usual.

Really cold, especially with a rather fresh wind in my face along Seaton Carew. On the way down I passed a road I’d never noticed before, signposted ‘Coast Path’. I took that for a mile or two. Nicely surfaced but the views were predominantly of rough ground and chemical works. After a mile or so that came to a dead end, effectively – it continued as an unsurfaced path down to the sea – so I turned back and rejoined the usual route. Not a very interesting diversion really but a welcome respite from the oncoming icy blast of the North Sea air.

Got within half a mile (at a guess, I haven’t checked) of the Transporter but the crumbly road surface was annoying me so I took another left, along the Seal Sands road. A bigger and busier road than the previous impromptu diversion but a similar story; mostly chemical works and ultimately a dead end. Turned back and went straight over the roundabout for a bit rather than turning right for home. But after a few hundred metres the road started to curve northward, meaning of course that I’d have a headwind again coming back and I’d had enough of that. Did a U turn back to the roundabout and turned for home with the powerful wind behind me. Joy. As an experiment I stopped pedalling for a couple of minutes and did about half a mile purely propelled by residual momentum and the wind, albeit not at any great speed. I sat upright to present the biggest possible profile behind me and actually picked up a bit of speed at one point.

A bit of faffing around once I got back into the town, mostly looking around old haunts, including my old walk home from school (or some of it).

The thought occurs to me that if I ever do that ride up here from Leics, a strong wind from the south or south-east will make life a lot easier.

Nice run out, anyway. 22.97 miles and that’s exactly 600.00 this year.


With the wind coming from the south and due to intensify in the afternoon, a run out down south seemed to be the best plan. I thought I’d have a crack at Northamptonshire, via the usual (or more recently usual) route down to Welford. And that’s what I did, but not at first. I left the garage at about 08:30 and after about three miles, realised I’d actually commenced the eastward route, which starts in pretty much exactly the wrong direction.

Rather than stop and do a U turn, which would have been bad for morale, I decided to keep on a bit then loop back through Whitwick. And I did that, though not before getting lost along a road that ended at a farm for a mile or so. But I found my way back to the intended route before long, having done roughly 7 spurious miles. I wasn’t really bothered, though. I’d been thinking of tacking on a few at the end anyway, to get the distance up a bit over the 80 mile mark.

If readers are concerned that the above sounds a bit like an early onset dementia symptom, please don’t be. I’ve been like that at least since primary school. My teachers used to despair of my absent-mindedness.

Very pleasant run down through Newbold, Kirkby Mallory, Earl Shilton, Stoney Stanton et al. The closed road I’d encountered at Broughton Astley last time I came this way was still closed but I was able to bypass the roadworks along the pavement very easily.  I was a bit too cold, actually. Hadn’t quite wrapped up warm enough. But I was fine when the sun came out in the afternoon.

Arrived at Welford and decided not to take a pic of the Northamptonshire sign, as it was surrounded by standing water and I would have got my shoes wet. After a snack at a bench in the village I kept on for a bit, and turned for home after about 42 miles. I’d forgotten to bring a pump and I felt I was pushing my luck going too far on tyres well into four figure distances. Really must change them in the spring. I was already mentally rehearsing a provisional explanation for calling the wife out 40 miles from home.

I was using the eTrex for navigation, having done that full route only once before – and on the way back, north of Welford I noticed that I was no longer on the purple track on the display, denoting the planned route. I decided to take a right to a village called Sibbertoft that was signposted, and work out a way back from there. I’d been meaning to do a bit of a diversion to get the distance up a bit more anyway. This was a really pleasant interlude that took me past a gliding club. I saw a couple of gliders circling overhead. Got to Sibbertoft, stopped and consulted Google Maps and realised I just needed to turn back the way I’d come. I hadn’t actually left the planned route at all, when I thought I had. The eTrex must have flipped to standard map mode due to a misclick. Or something.

Stopped at the village shop / coffee shop at Gilmorton on the way back and had a sandwich, lemon curd shortbread (yum) and a coffee. I reminded the girl behind the counter that she’d had to call someone to explain to her how to use the coffee machine last time I was there, but she has the hang of it now.

Slightly bothered by sidewind on the way back, here and there. The headwind on the way down wasn’t too bothersome and on the way back, mostly I had a tailwind. Always a comforting sight to see a wind turbine spinning merrily in your direction when you’re on a bike.

Back home much the same way, except that I took a wrong turn at Kirkby. Google Maps suggested that it went to Desford so I pressed on, but it devolved into a muddy track after about a mile. So I turned back.

Back home just at sunset on 85.4 (Strava says a bit more, but I’ve subtracted from that to compensate for clogging round the shop and wee stops with the watch on).

I’d made a slight adjustment to the saddle height as an experiment before setting off – raising it by about 7mm – and that did seem to make a positive difference. I don’t doubt I could have done another 15 miles but didn’t want to push my luck, and in any case it was getting dim and I only had a flashy blinker on the front. In any case I’m very happy to have done 85 miles without too much trouble (knees feel a bit sore now but nothing sinister). I will work up to doing a 100 miler. I could certainly choose a flatter route than that one, anyway. Maybe 92 next time, perhaps in warmer weather on a longer day.


A nice, dry day. Wanted to do Staffordshire and back, to tick another of the “neighbouring counties” boxes. The nice way to do this would have been to take the usual westward route over to Walton on Trent, but there’s a considerably closer entry point at Clifton Campville, some way to the south. I don’t go over that way much these days because of the awful road surfaces and the need to cross over the M42 using a busy, multi-lane roundabout but I wanted to get it done after work today, so that was the option I took.

I decided that the Tricross would be weapon of choice, to soak up the aggressive road buzz with its fatter tyres.

Arrived at the Staffordshire border on about 10.5 miles – definitely low hanging fruit. I’d already taken Warwickshire in for half a mile or so, but I’d already done that one on Monday. It has a nice, shiny new sign – here’s a pic I took in 2015:

Sort of prefer the old one, to be honest.

A few miles later I saw a sign to Lullington, which is on the more agreeable route out west – so I took that. I hadn’t done that road between Clifton and Lullington before but it was very quiet. Involved more climbing than I wanted though, really.

Back home the usual way from Lullington, through Measham. I suppose the best thing to have done, to avoid the poorly-maintained road surface and the roundabout, would have been to use the same route for the outbound part – I just hadn’t thought of turning off that route to go south to Clifton. I only remembered that it doesn’t hit Staffordshire for at least 20 miles if you keep going straight.

Very atmospheric out there after dark, again. Really enjoying these starlit evening rides at the moment. Bit cold though.

Anyway – 26.07; 136 this month, not bad for 5 days in. 492 miles done this year, 292 more than this time last year.

That’s all the easy ones done. Lincolnshire, Northamptonshire and Rutland still to do.


Left work earlyish – not as early as I intended, but one of my idiot colleagues pushed back a meeting by half an hour then cancelled it at the last minute. Anyway I did get out of there at about 15:45.

I’m hoping to do all the neighbouring counties of Leicestershire again this year as usual and last night, I had a look through the tracks I’ve already done in 2020 to see which ones I’d ticked off already. Only Derbyshire and Nottingham, as it happens. Frustratingly I stopped a couple of hundred metres short of the Staffordshire border before turning back on my trip out west on Thursday. Anyway I noticed that I could take in a bit of Warwickshire by extending a Twycrosser to the west a bit, so that’s what I did today. Turned off the main road down to Twycross to go through Norton, Orton and Warton. I wasn’t 100% sure I’d been into Warwickshire until I encountered a ‘Leicestershire’ sign on the way back in. Why can’t all public roads have signs to tell you when you’re entering a different county?

A few minutes after I set off I noticed a helicopter crossing overhead, then about ten minutes later I saw it sitting in a farmer’s field, not far from the road! I stopped to take pics. The pilot appeared to be consulting a map, and he took off again not long after I stopped.

According to this : – it landed at Birmingham at 16:11 which can’t be right, as this was only about 10 minutes later than that.

Absolutely beautiful out there in the open on the quiet road between Norton and Orton. Noticed the orange light from the setting sun ahead of me reflecting beautifully off the shiny patches on the road, so I stopped to take a pic:

That’s pretty much untouched apart from being resized; straight off the phone.

Dark not long after that of course but I had highly adequate lighting. And I wore a helmet, again. Good that I’m getting back into that habit, I must admit.

Roads mainly dry. Not too cold. A bit windy.

Back on 31.72 miles. The old bike computer I put back on the Boardman behaved properly. Hopefully cleaning the contacts has fixed it.

I must do that extension more often; it extends a Twycrosser nicely (non-Twycrosser might be more accurate, it actually bypasses Twycross by about a mile). And it’s a nice, quiet stretch with nice landscape visible for miles.

February Fondo

I woke up unusually early this morning – excited, to be honest, about the UK no longer being in the EU. By about 05:30 I was wide awake so I decided to get up there and then. Had coffee and toast. Donned my cycling clothing and withdrew Neil from the garage at about 06:45.

I was pressured last night by ‘er indoors into wearing a helmet today, for a change. I wore a thin cycling hijab underneath it and a helmet cover on top and it was warm enough. Perhaps I’ll do that more often. This was the first time I’d worn a helmet for a couple of months, if not longer. A woolly hat is preferable for cold weather cycling really, but not necessarily for smooth marital relations. Of course I do appreciate the concern.

Dark out there an hour before sunrise, but delightfully quiet. I’m on call at the moment so pursued my usual strategy of trying to stay reasonably close to base. I decided to head up toward Donington, taking a left to Melbourne then over Swarkestone Bridge, then turn left to go west for a few miles along the long, flat stretch north of the Trent. After that I’d come back south passing close to base, and noodle around southerly parts for a while. But I didn’t have a definite route in mind.

Very windy out there with powerful 40+ mph gusts forecast for a couple of hours around noon. I knew I’d have a headwind going west, but the tailwind on the way back would make up for it a bit. As it turned out the headwind, at least at that time of the morning, wasn’t too severe.

Turned into Donington Park on a whim on the way there, to have a look just after dawn.

I was genuinely thoroughly thrilled to be taking in the sights of an independent country, no longer in the EU. The air smelled sweeter. More British. The countryside seemed more precious, and more noble.

Got as far as Hilton – a bit out of my comfort zone for receiving calls from work; the quickest way back from there is probably about 18 miles – and turned around. I definitely felt the tailwind after that. Rather than coming back down Swarkestone Bridge though I decided to keep going, and keep the tailwind, as far as the town of Donington itself. I stopped at either Weston or Aston for a sandwich and a packet of Skips from a shop there. Hadn’t been along that road before, at least in that direction, and I took a wrong turn out of Aston, but ended up going through Shardlow and over Cavendish Bridge as intended anyway. I hadn’t actually realised that I’d done that until I looked at the uploaded route on Strava.

Back down through Isley Walton and Breedon then to Coleorton through Worthington and Newbold, which I haven’t done for years. I was pretty much busking it at this point but had a rough idea to go over to Packington and tack on most of a Twycrosser. And I did that until I got to Snarestone, having done 60 miles. I was pretty much running on empty by this time, not having had a great deal of sleep last night. But I decided to refuel at the Alpaca Farm caff, then either just make my way directly home from there or turn back to the road down to Twycross and keep going.

I sat outside and had a scone, clotted cream, jam, coffee and a can of 7 Up. And the little biscuit that came with the coffee. Even after ingesting all this I decided to head straight home, but after pedalling a mile or two noticed that I now had a lot more energy and mojo. A rest and refuel stop makes a big difference. I’d come a bit far now to turn back down to Twycross, but I continued to Heather and from there crossed over to Ibstock, from where I thought I’d do a bit of the standard route down south. And I did do that but by the time I got to Barlestone Road, out in the open again and a bit more exposed, the wind had become fierce – just staying on the bike was becoming a bit of a drama. So I came back home the shortest way from there.

Home on 78.56 miles. Nice to have done the February Fondo on the first day.

Almost spring-like weather when the sun came out. But it rained lightly a couple of times, not for long though.

Still no sign of the squeak from Neil’s rear and even the secondary rear disk lever is working properly now – still feels a little sticky but doesn’t jam the brake.

My knees are sore now. But I’m encouraged to have done that distance without hurting them too much; the longest ride since I buggered them in April 2018, though only by a couple of miles. With a more carefully planned (flatter) route, lighter clothing / bike and no headwind I feel fairly confident I could do 100 or a bit more.


For (probably) the last gasp of January, I wanted to do 27 or a bit more, to get the monthly total to the 350 mile mark. I’m entertaining the vague idea that it might be nice to aim for 350 as a minimum for every month.

Left work at about 3:30pm, having started early and missed a lunch break. Took the hybrid, since I wasn’t going far. Nice to get a bit more use out of it, I thought. I was going to do a Twycrosser, but after about 6 miles, instead of taking the turn down to Snarestone and Twycross I decided to keep on to Measham, then head out west. The wind was blowing from that direction, so I’d have a bit of a tailwind on the way back. As it happened I didn’t particularly notice the headwind, or the tailwind.

I made my way out past Netherseal and through Coton and eventually to Walton on Trent, a bit further than I intended. Really nice out there after dark in the open; so atmospheric. And not that cold either; unseasonally mild. I haven’t quite got that route memorised yet so navigating my way back by remembering the turns I’d taken was fun.

I trialled a new front light (LED torch really) that I acquired as a sale item from Tesco. It came as part of a set with 5 AAA batteries and a rear light, for £3! The batteries alone would have cost a couple of quid and I do use them, so – rude not to. And while the front light isn’t quite a tarmac melter, it’s thoroughly adequate. Quite nicely made as well, with a polished aluminium body.

I think that was the most enjoyable ride of 2020 so far. I may go out that way again at the weekend, although I’ll be on call. Really looking forward to the long, warm days now.

32.45 miles, 355 this month.

Tricross Twycross

Went out to the garage at lunchtime, and did a bit of prep on the Tricross – fitted a handlebar extender so I’d have a bit of space for lights, bike computer, eTrex mount and whatnot, gave both shifters a good squirt with GT85, gave the top right brake lever the same treatment. Put some lights on, ready for a run out after work.

So 3:30pm came around and having togged myself up in full winter cycling gear, prepared an oat bar and a bidon and all that, I walked out to the garage. It started to rain. I decided I wasn’t having it so I went back in the house. But half an hour later I glanced out of the window and not only wasn’t it raining, but the sun had come out! Fortunately I hadn’t bothered to change so I got the Tricross out and did a medium-short length Twycrosser. Interestingly the roads were dry-ish only two miles from home.

Cold out there but an enjoyable run out under the stars. Nice crescent Moon clearly visible and an unusually bright Venus tonight.

The brake lever does feel a bit rough still and you can still get it to jam up the rear disk if you pull hard enough, but you can unjam it by pushing the lever the other way! So there’s that. In practice though I just won’t use it.

More positively, the left gear shifter behaved properly throughout so it looks like the GT85 treatment has cleared the fault. I suppose I should spray a proper solvent cleaner up there first. I’ll give it a few more goes to make sure it’s flushed out the gunk and dirt properly anyway. Still no sign of the squeak from the rear so I think that’s cured now, must definitely have been the brake pad rubbing. And the bike computer is calibrated nicely now. Recorded the 23.40 GPS-recorded distance as 23.38. Good enough.

Anyway .. 323 this month which is over target and 145 more than this time last year.

Broughton Astley

I’d hoped to a bit more than 50 today, to meet the January monthly target of 303 miles. Maybe even another January Fondo. But after getting up reasonably early this morning I looked out of the bedroom window, then took a few tentative steps outside the front door, to gauge conditions – and decided I wasn’t having it. Just too dank. The ground was uniformly wet, and a thin mist clung to the cold air.

A couple of hours later though – I took a long, hard look at myself in the mirror. And after reassuring myself that the trademark firm jawline and penetrating hazel eyes had lost none of their magic, I bullied myself into going out. What, I asked myself, was the point of having three mediocre weather bikes if I wasn’t prepared to be a mediocre weather cyclist? I had no answer to that of course so I pulled the Tricross out of the garage at about 11:15, with the idea of doing at least 30 or so.

I chose the Tricross over the Boardman because I’d just fitted a magnet-driven bike computer yesterday (another trusty Cateye Cyclo 7) and wanted to calibrate it. I also wanted to reassure myself that the adjustment I’d made to the rear disk brake (I backed one of the pads out a touch using the handy thumbwheel) had made the squeak go away.

Set off intending to do a Twycross but it didn’t seem so bad out there by this time so I headed south, which had been the original intention – since the wind was coming from that direction and didn’t want a headwind on the way back. I took pretty much the usual route down to Stoney Stanton then continued on to Sutton in the Elms and Broughton Astley. I’d thought to go at least as far as Gilmorton, but encountered a Road Closed sign after Broughton, with no useful detour. So I took a side road and looped back the way I’d come. I’d only done about 21 miles at this point but I thought I’d probably find a sign to some unknown village on the way back, and go exploring for a few miles. As it turned out I didn’t, though I did take a turn to Desford through Peckleton from Kirkby Mallory which added a mile or two. I also took a different turn out of Desford than I normally would, in the hope of adding some randomness. But I ended back on the same road after only about half a mile.

Got to Newbold Verdon and took a left turn there, to have a look round the village. But again, that looped back onto the usual route before long.

Back home on 46.78 miles, which brings my 2019 total so far to 299.

I’m pleased to say that adjusting the rear brake does appear to have made the squeak go away; there was no sign of it over the whole ride. However – not long after setting off, I tested that it was still working properly using the top-mounted lever, and this actually jammed the brake closed! I came to an abrupt and wobbly dead stop, and had to uncleat sharpish to avoid coming a cropper. Fortunately, it’s only the top lever that does this – the one I normally use on the front works fine. I will give it a good hose out with GT85 tomorrow and if that doesn’t fix it, I just won’t use it. I don’t have a top-mounted lever on any other bike so it’s not a habit.

The left shifter, for the front derailleur, doesn’t catch on the down-change sometimes – it’s infrequent but it did happen three or four times, though it was always fine on the following attempt. Just Googled this and it seems that old grease or gunk can cause this. Again, GT85 may come to the rescue tomorrow.

I was also slightly irritated that I’d left the bike computer set to km instead of miles. I thought it had gone a bit mad at first. It measured the ride at 74.20km = 46.10 miles. I’ll do the maths and recalibrate it later.